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Posted 8:45 am, 11/05/2024

Ok, whatever you say. I have no regrets. Been as truthful as I could be.


Posted 8:22 am, 11/05/2024

Adam Wilkes is dumbed down from imbreeding. This is why people in Wilkes idolize the orange man. This is why you listen to people with MAGA's hat on telling you conspriacy theories.


Posted 8:16 am, 11/05/2024

FoxNOSY I did warn you about the orange sugary pops you sux all day and nite.


Posted 8:15 am, 11/05/2024

fox thanks for caring, i have all my teeth but two, one being a wisdom tooth. I do have 6 crowns. People compliment my teeth all the time. No the next question is are you a toothless witch or ibtch.


Posted 7:57 am, 11/05/2024

They have always put flouride in just about everything. Why ? Because it dumbs you down . It calcifies your pineal gland. Then they tell you that you need it to keep your teeth and gums healthy. BS, it is only used like everything else.....to keep you in the dark and in control. Yall seeing the picture yet? Now, hurry up and go vote....like that matters LOL.


Posted 4:45 am, 11/05/2024

Gascan, why would a person like you, without any natural teeth be worried about dental care?


Posted 1:12 am, 11/05/2024

Fluoride is extremely important, yes. You know that it strengthens your teeth, but people don't realize that your teeth are basically just bones! And fluoride is essential for strong bones, too.

And while it can be poisonous, it would require an extremely high amount... like 10 grams. You would have to eat 6 tubes of toothpaste to get there, but all that would happen is that you would throw up.

Rudy Giuliani said under oath that he and Trump get their news from memes...

I suspect that this is just another example.


Posted 10:04 pm, 11/04/2024

Most pediatric dentist will not even prescribe it now. A prescription was given at every checkup years ago. They acted like you were horrible if you refused. Now they don't even want kids having it. I used to gag on that stuff every week at school. I'm glad that stuff isn't offered now!


Posted 7:34 pm, 11/04/2024

Arsenic and many other chemicals that are used in medicines are potentially poisonous. Like many other chemicals it depends on the amount you ingest, the warnings are required by the FDA. Trump's business slogan is Caveat Emptor, if you recall he had the requirement for annual consumption on electrical appliances rescinded. He knows how to look after his buddies; "I'll get by with a little help from my friends."


Posted 6:55 pm, 11/04/2024

this is really a nasty election, no matter who wins


Posted 6:54 pm, 11/04/2024

And he is also talking about doing away with vaccines, That doesn't matter much because I can choose to take, or not. I never took the covid vax,


Posted 6:51 pm, 11/04/2024

Its in our water also. Tried to look up the amounts in ours but can't find it. I use a pur water filter but it doesn't take it out. I've used toothpaste for decades but now I'm thinking about it. I don't know if its good or bad to take it out. Leave it to Trump at the last minute to throw this in the mix.


Posted 6:30 pm, 11/04/2024

Sodium floride is the main ingredient in rat posion.

That is the main reason there is a posion label on both, rat posion and toothpaste.

Personally, I would rather not have it. Especially in my drinking water. 🙄

BUT, If we were to have it in tooth paste why not have "CALCIUM" floride?

the dog's butler

Posted 6:27 pm, 11/04/2024

Surely it's an RFK, Jr. thing.


Posted 6:20 pm, 11/04/2024

you teeth will decay faster without fluoride, thats what i read.


Posted 6:09 pm, 11/04/2024

Trump wants to take fluoride out of water and toothpaste. Is this a good idea? Anti I would like to know you opinion. I've looked into this years ago. I came to the conculsion I'm better using it. I know it has a poison warning on toothpaste.

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