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Fact check: New Trump ad uses edited quote to attack nonexistent Harris immigration proposal


Posted 6:48 pm, 09/01/2024

Hey jambl0wZer, no matter how much YOU run away from it, your regurgitation on billgatesnews still makes YOU look foolish AND stupid.

YOU go, sucker !


Posted 5:43 pm, 09/01/2024

The migrant gang takeover of apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado is just a small taste of the chaos to be unleashed against Americans

Read this you dumb as rocks leftists. It may save your pathetic lives and change your delusional thinking if you take heed. I don't wish you dead but want you to wake the heck up and be Americans instead of D***A** punks. If not, you are dead meat for sure.


Posted 10:12 am, 09/01/2024

The ad features a narrator saying this: "Attention seniors: Kamala Harris has promised amnesty for the 10 million illegals she allowed in as border czar, making them eligible for Social Security. Studies warn this will lead to cuts in your Social Security benefits." A quote shown on the screen, which the ad attributes to the Center for Immigration Studies, an organization that favors reduced immigration, says this: "Harris' amnesty imposes large cost on Social Security."

Facts First: The ad's claims are false. Harris has not made any promise to grant legal status to all of the migrants who have crossed the border during her vice presidency. Though she has expressed support for a pathway to citizenship for some unspecified group of undocumented people, she has never said that recent migrants should be included. And Harris' name does not appear in the actual Center for Immigration Studies quote about the likely cost of "amnesty" to Social Security; the center says it hasn't analyzed a specific 2024 amnesty proposal from Harris because it hasn't seen her make a specific proposal.

There are other problems with the ad, too.

Harris was never "border czar." Rather, she was given a diplomatic role focused on addressing the "root causes" of migration from three Central American countries, not put in charge of border security. You can read a longer fact-check of that claim here.

Fact check: New Trump ad uses edited quote to attack nonexistent Harris immigration proposal (msn.com)


Posted 9:23 am, 09/01/2024

Another kammie blunder ... Calling Trump going tro Arlington a 'photo OP... And ''all about himself'.

Now all those families are telling the public they invited Trump , and they have never received a phone call from kammie or biden.
One woman told her to show up and explain how she and joe made the disastrous decision that got her son's wife killed.

She should have asked her handlers if she was making a mistake before relying on her own warped brain to make a decision.

And she has said 'no one should be illegal in this country '.. and she will not use the word 'illegal '.

Jack Schitt

Posted 8:37 am, 09/01/2024

CNN) President Joe Biden is tasking Vice President Kamala Harris with overseeing efforts with Central American countries to stem the flow of migrants to the US southern border, the first major issue Biden has assigned directly to his No. 2.

"I asked her, the VP, today, because she's the most qualified person to do it, to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle, and the countries that can help, need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border," Biden told reporters ahead of an immigration meeting in the White House State Dining Room.

"I said when we became a team and got elected that the vice president was going to be the last person in the room," he said. "She doesn't realize that means she gets every assignment."

Jack Schitt

Posted 8:29 am, 09/01/2024

WH press release. Since March, 2021 Vice President Kamala Harris has been leading the Administration's diplomatic efforts to address the root causes of migration from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras," it said. "She has worked with bilateral, multilateral, and private sector partners, as well as civil society leaders, to help people from the region find hope at home. "

Jack Schitt

Posted 8:23 am, 09/01/2024

In response, Harris thanked Biden and said, "There's no question that this is a challenging situation. While we are clear that people should not come to the border now, we also understand that we will enforce the law. Because we can chew gum and walk at the same time, we must address the root causes that cause people to make the trek." She also looked forward to working with Congress "to address root causes of migration. Needless to say, the work will not be easy, but it is important work."

Jack Schitt

Posted 8:21 am, 09/01/2024

Harris was chosen to lead the effort because "the best thing to do is to put someone [in the role] when he or she speaks they don't have to wonder about where the president is," Biden said. "When she speaks, she speaks for me. She doesn't have to check with me. She knows what she's doing. I hope we can move this along [to address the] increasing challenges at our southwest border. No one knows this better than the vice president." They can't delete it all 😂

Jack Schitt

Posted 8:17 am, 09/01/2024

As calls grew for Harris to visit the border and respond to the crisis, by an April 20, 2022, press briefing White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked, "Does the president still have confidence" in Harris as border czar. She replied, "He absolutely does."

Jack Schitt

Posted 8:11 am, 09/01/2024

"What I would do as president is several more things," Biden said at the first Democratic primary debate for the 2020 election. "I would in fact make sure that there is... We immediately surge to the border, all those people who are seeking asylum." They took him up on it.


Posted 8:00 am, 09/01/2024

Amazing and disgusting how these mush brains jump on to what their media handlers feed them.

All you will hear out of them now is how she is now FOR all she has been against all her life.

And sure enough here is one dumb mush brain calling someone else ignorant.

Things are not going well for the kammie krowd. Her performance was a disaster.

Even Bil Mahr sais.. It insulted his intelligence. When you have lost Bill , and he makes it public, ...

But H will freezes over before you will ever see a gw mush brain with the necessary intelligence to feel insulted.


Posted 7:50 am, 09/01/2024

"Harris reminds me of a shady car dealer who will tell you anything to make the deal."

Meanwhile one of the two candidates wrote a book on the art of suckering folks....

To be so ignorant must be blissful.


Posted 6:50 am, 09/01/2024

Hey jambl0wZer, why are YOU afraid AND embarrassed to tell us who wrote your 8:54 for YOU?

Coulda it be more CNN koolaid?


Posted 6:37 am, 09/01/2024

Hey Jimbo, news flash......the Democrats lie in their ads too


Posted 2:01 am, 09/01/2024

Jimbo, did Harris not say she would have the "bi partisan immigration bill" brought back up and she would sign it into law? That bill does exactly that. I heard her say it but you might have been busy. And the media make a big deal about her being the border czar. You might remember Lester Holt asking her about going to the border and she said she hadn't been to Europe, what's your point? She even said repeatedly the border was secure. Now they tried to scrub her past but it can't be hidden. Speaking of misleading ads, find me a quote anywhere that Trump wants a national bill on abortion. Harris is part of the most corrupt anti constitution presidency in history. Harris reminds me of a shady car dealer who will tell you anything to make the deal.


Posted 8:54 pm, 08/31/2024

A new television ad from former President Donald Trump's campaign piles deception upon deception to attack Vice President Kamala Harris on immigration. The ad uses an edited quote to attack Harris over a supposed proposal that she hasn't actually made.


Posted 8:36 pm, 08/31/2024

kamalatoe has flopped so many times she probably did do her dayZ in the barrel flipping burgers at Micky D's .


Posted 8:28 pm, 08/31/2024

You really are a special kind of ignorant, eh?


Posted 7:41 pm, 08/31/2024

Does that mean since she has changed her position on illegal aliens you will not be voting for her? Or oare you like her and trying to make out like you have been against illegal immigration all along?

Which side of her story are you going to stay with?


Posted 7:13 pm, 08/31/2024

Facts First: The ad's claims are false. Harris has not made any promise to grant legal status to all of the migrants who have crossed the border during her vice presidency. Though she has expressed support for a pathway to citizenship for some unspecified group of undocumented people, she has never said that recent migrants should be included. And Harris' name does not appear in the actual Center for Immigration Studies quote about the likely cost of "amnesty" to Social Security; the center says it hasn't analyzed a specific 2024 amnesty proposal from Harris because it hasn't seen her make a specific proposal.

There are other problems with the ad, too.

Harris was never "border czar." Rather, she was given a diplomatic role focused on addressing the "root causes" of migration from three Central American countries, not put in charge of border security. You can read a longer fact-check of that claim here.

Fact check: New Trump ad uses edited quote to attack nonexistent Harris immigration proposal (msn.com)

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