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Enforced prayer in schools


Posted 1:18 pm, 09/24/2024

If they are going to force religion in schools it should be the one true religion, it should be Catholicism


Posted 12:55 pm, 09/24/2024

So... no answers to the question at all?


Posted 12:49 pm, 09/24/2024

Foxy, learn to read.


Posted 12:36 pm, 09/24/2024

I never saw any forced praying either. Why would Hangs make up such a lie and utter it in public forums?


Posted 12:34 pm, 09/24/2024

Did I forget escalating teen suicides?


Posted 12:34 pm, 09/24/2024

I can remember a time when drag groomers were not dancing in public schools. Of course that was before drugs, teen pregnancies and perversion was the main topics being taught


Posted 10:07 am, 09/24/2024

Prayer has NEVER been banned in schools in the USA. That's a right wingnut talking point.

School officials can't force prayer.


Posted 9:55 am, 09/24/2024

I remember when prayer was banned in schools.

It was done because of one woman's doing. One person caused this. Madaline O'Hare.

She was later mudered. Her body was found stuffed in a barrel/

Her son became a Christian minister.

Always Interesting watching the 'mysterious ways of God'.

And by the way, the dems have been lying about Tomas Jefferson's letter they use to claim 'seperation of Church and State. "

They totally lie about the reason Jefferson wrote that letter, and to what he was referring.

The truth about that story is much more interesting than t he lies they tell about.

Fight Fight Fight

Posted 9:45 am, 09/24/2024

"When a society loses its moral compass, it collapses from within." - G.K. Chesterton


Posted 9:45 am, 09/24/2024

Tommy, there's absolutely no truth in the crap that you and your MAGAT cronies say about deviant influence in our schools. If that's all you've got to throw at the DumDems I suggest you go pay a visit to the Log Cabin. Go wallow in your lies somewhere else.

Thomas Hobbes

Posted 9:34 am, 09/24/2024

It also doesn't say to have drag queens at story time. The Bible, God and prayer are parts of a moral foundation upon which a good person is built. But of course we know democrats hate morality. It's why they are the way they are.


Posted 9:24 am, 09/24/2024

Consul where do you stand on the Vampire in town? Do you give him our sick/old/obese/ugly/handicapped and sleep like a baby. Or do you stand your ground against evil. This will answer the difference between evil and good. I know the answers from most of you without asking and so does Anti. People deal with their demons in many ways, some wish to delete God, good luck with that.


Posted 9:12 am, 09/24/2024

Foxxy, no one's trying to disprove God. Just why are you continually trying to promote a religion which you fail to live by? Look back on your rhetoric on this site and your idolizing of a totally evil character. Make an honest comparison between your rhetoric, behavior and loyalties and you'll find the very religion you espouse condemns you.

"And by their works shall ye know them."
As to those that approve of mandatory school prayer, the New Testament quotes Jesus thus: "Suffer little children to come unto me." Not, drag the little boogers kicking and screaming!


Posted 8:54 am, 09/24/2024

Acumen (view profile)
Posted 1:58 am, 09/24/2024
We spent years getting the insanity out of our schools and now the fools want to bring it back.

Look how that worked out


Posted 8:26 am, 09/24/2024

The leftest loons and all mush brains are not going to like anything about the next hundred yrs.

They see with their own eyes what is happening and they don't have a Spiritual mind, or the desire to see it or hear it.

Complete denial . They don't matter. They can't change 'one jot, or tittle'. according to Scripture.

And why would a Believer of God, and Jesus Christ's resurrection listen to a word spoken by reprobates destined for H if they died right now. And that is clearly laid out in the Book they want forever banned in schools or anywhre else.

The don't even want Gideon Bibles in hotel rooms.



Posted 7:34 am, 09/24/2024

Ol gal ain't never actually perticipated in mandatory praying anywho, our sources seen her peeking ever time.


Posted 7:02 am, 09/24/2024

Anti, I know you do not accept advice much but just as a CV friend let me offer. Every time you get on here suggesting or trying to explain biblical views you just make a f00l of yourself. You expose a lot of inner beliefs that tells Christians where you are spiritually. Instead of arguing and trying to disprove God, why not try getting along with him? You will have better understanding here and not as much to answer for later.

You are Welcome


Posted 1:58 am, 09/24/2024

We spent years getting the insanity out of our schools and now the fools want to bring it back.


Posted 1:51 am, 09/24/2024

I've been seeing this issue brought up by politicians again...

If you believe that there should be enforced prayer in schools... meaning, led by the teacher regardless of the students' individual beliefs... what religion and denomination do you think should be enforced?

Do the teachers have to give a Baptist prayer, or can a Catholic teacher pray in Latin? Can a 7th Day Adventist pray for all of their students to go to church on Saturday so they won't go to H*ll? Can a Pentecostal teacher bring in a venomous snake and require the students to hold it, while the teacher has seizures and speaks in tongues?

Should an atheist or Muslim teacher lead a Baptist-style prayer in whatever way they see fit?

Should a Christian teacher that believes in Matthew 6, where Jesus said that you should not pray in public and should instead go into your room and close the door to pray... should that teacher be legally required to pray in public and violate their own religious beliefs?

Also related to Matthew 6... should all prayers just be the Lord's Prayer on repeat, every day and every time?

If you believe that there should be enforced prayer in schools, can you clearly define exactly what you expect?

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