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Difference between democrats and republicans


Posted 4:34 pm, 06/02/2024

As to the differences between Democrats and Republicans well, they're both political parties nuff said. But I sure hope anyone would want to be a whole hull of a lot different to the most of the repub's that post on this site!


Posted 4:24 pm, 06/02/2024

Lol, goodness shes so dumb.


Posted 4:12 pm, 06/02/2024

YOU Jimbob are a dishonest F00l

Here is the truth


Posted 4:04 pm, 06/02/2024

That pedo petey has more plagairism charges the the prez of harvard!


Posted 3:18 pm, 06/02/2024

It is jim. The **** just doing whatever shes told.


Posted 3:07 pm, 06/02/2024

Foxnit, are these your Republicans?

Supporters of the newly convicted Donald Trump are already disseminating extensive calls for violence. According to Reuters, which reviewed numerous posts across multiple conservative platforms, users have expressed desires to attack jurors and to kill Judge Juan Merchan, as well as to kill everyone in Washington, D.C., and Democrats overall.


Posted 1:25 pm, 06/02/2024

I think most non-MAGATS like myself expected the orange mutant to get away with it. Could it be that more Americans are getting back in touch with reality and also rediscovering their consciences. After all, if a servile toady like Pence could finally realize his duty was to his country and not to a demented orange bully and a rancid political party, there may still be hope.


Posted 1:06 pm, 06/02/2024

Look how Democrats handle adversity verses how Republican deal with it.

If Alvin Bragg's fake show trial had ended in Trump being acquitted. The streets would have been filled with unemployed reparation hopefuls, and employed elite cesspools of ignorance hired to carry signs and should about things they do not understand. Windows and doors would be broke , liquor stores would be looted and tennis shoes hauled out by the arm full. Buildings would have been burned, monkeys would be dancing on top of police cars. On the other hand Republicans wait on justice, send money to candidates, and hold out hope for our country


Posted 2:42 pm, 06/01/2024

Supporters of the newly convicted Donald Trump are already disseminating extensive calls for violence. According to Reuters, which reviewed numerous posts across multiple conservative platforms, users have expressed desires to attack jurors and to kill Judge Juan Merchan, as well as to kill everyone in Washington, D.C., and Democrats overall.


Posted 11:10 am, 06/01/2024

Fakey like all MAGATS believes Trump will make things the way Fakey would like them to be, RETRO!


Posted 7:53 am, 06/01/2024

Flakey, I'm using a page from your playbook but unlike you I am providing a link to the article I'm using.
Perhaps you should take the time to read this and then read it again so the meaning won't be completely lost on you.

Fascism can be broadly defined as a political ideology that asserts nationalistic ideals, strong central authority, suppression of dissent, and often a distrust or hostility towards liberal democracy. It is a term synonymous with totalitarian regimes, and yet its application in modern political landscapes presents a contentious debate.

Nazi Germany: A Starting Point

In Nazi Germany, fascism manifested itself in an aggressive form of nationalism, anti-Semitism, and a totalitarian regime led by Adolf Hitler. The state-controlled almost every aspect of life, suppressing political opposition, and promoting a fervent belief in racial superiority. This historic example serves as a foundational understanding of classical fascism and sets the stage for our exploration into its modern iterations.

The Tea Party Movement: A Modern Resurgence?

Flash forward to the 21st century, and the emergence of the Tea Party movement within the Republican Party stirs debates and comparisons with fascist ideologies. The movement's emphasis on strong nationalism, disdain for certain governmental institutions, and often inflammatory rhetoric draws parallels with the authoritarian tendencies associated with fascism. Critics point to a focus on cultural purity and an aggressive opposition to perceived enemies of the nation, both hallmarks of historical fascism.

MAGA Republicans: An Evolution or Deviation?

The MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement, championed by former President Donald Trump, has further fueled the fire of this discourse. Some argue that the MAGA movement represents a transformation or even intensification of the ideologies seen in the Tea Party. Similarities include a vigorous nationalism, rejection of traditional political norms, and sometimes an intolerance for dissenting voices. The convergence of populist appeal with authoritarian inclinations brings forth contentious comparisons to historical fascism.


Posted 7:46 am, 06/01/2024

I removed a few posts that were off topic and/or trolling.


Posted 7:36 am, 06/01/2024

You should turn your TV off and go outside every once in a while, or are you not told to do that?

****anose, you're a slave to the media, keep giving your money to a billionaire, he's in need!


Posted 1:57 am, 06/01/2024

You don't have to watch the news to see through this Communist takeover of our country

Borders allowing communist thugs and gangs to freely penetrate our country
Muslim terrorist put into office and named the SQUAD
We see the revolving doors of anarchism in the street
We feel the pain at the pump and communist Marxist Democrats demanding we give up our gas cars
We can see the American life changing right before our eyes, every time we shop, go to the park, drive down the road and watch non- Americans doing all the roadwork, mowing yards, filling shopping carts and multiplying like rabbits. We can see through it No one has to tell us on TV, our eyes are open


Posted 12:58 am, 06/01/2024

Dog gate, again, this is the problem with getting your news from propaganda...

The US House Republicans investigated your claims, and found "no evidence of wrongdoing."

Why is it always democrats that are so crooked?

It's not, you're just getting your news from biased sources so you only hear one side.

From 1981 until now, 82 federal politicians have been convicted of crimes. Of those, 42 were Republican (including Trump), and 40 were Democrat.


Posted 9:33 pm, 05/31/2024

Yeah that still doesn't exist...if what you say was true, the "impeachment" would be moving along in the Republican controlled house. But the fantasy just doesnt exist.

dog gate

Posted 9:25 pm, 05/31/2024

Information on laptop was about Joe getting money from Hunter and that was illegal funds from foreign countries. Also, Hunter telling his daughter that he has to give 50% of his income to his father. Why? Also pictures of all the times he met with Hunter's business partners.

Isn't it interesting that Biden had the same job as Bob Mendendez. Another thief that even had pockets in his suits to hold gold bars that he got from foreign countries. Why is it always democrats that are so crooked? Why is that job always making the person rich just like Joe, the .


Posted 4:20 pm, 05/31/2024

"There will be a blood bath."


Posted 4:10 pm, 05/31/2024

Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict

Trump himself called for a second insurrection attempt... "death and destruction" if he were to be convicted...


Posted 1:47 pm, 05/31/2024

And you support a false idol.

Take your heresy elsewhere and GFY.

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