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Democrats are so stupid


Posted 12:38 pm, 08/30/2024

pus36 has got to be gandys offspring or vice versa.


Posted 12:33 pm, 08/30/2024

e (view profile)

Posted 9:40 am, 08/03/2024

They believed everything that a man with dementia told them

No, we don't believe anything Trump tells us.


Posted 12:27 pm, 08/30/2024

consul typed, "he wants to become president so as to run the USA for the benefit of the country and the American people" what a novel idea.

interesting fact

Posted 12:18 pm, 08/30/2024

Any candidate that cannot answer questions from Americans or the media should not be voted for.

Any candidate that flip flops on answers is a danger to America.

Someone that never received votes in a primary should not be voted in.

Democrats say they are the party fighting for democracy. So maybe 20 people selected this candidate. All the Democrats in the nation did not vote for her.


Posted 11:57 am, 08/30/2024

Here's stupid for you: An individual that has a reputation of failing to pay his debts, multiple bankruptcies, racism, misogyny, lying and bullying manages to convince a large number of people that he wants to become president so as to run the USA for the benefit of the country and the American people. How do you spell stupid? M-A-G-A-T-S!


Posted 9:56 am, 08/30/2024

MAGAS the biggest bunch of uneducated beer guzzling Nascar tracto driving sheep in the world and a stain on this country

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 9:55 am, 08/30/2024

He brainwashed us into winning an election?


Wrecky Studhouse

Posted 8:49 am, 08/30/2024

The so-called interview full of lies. You GoWilkes Democrats don't have a chance.

Biden, he brainwashed you, I'm sure she will be no different!



Posted 3:39 pm, 08/28/2024

Wrecky Studhouse (view profile)

Posted 2:45 pm, 08/28/2024

Kamala is going to build a wall on the Southern Border.

Here again Harris will have to do the job Bone Spurs swore he was going to do.

Riddle me this, did she say she would make Mexico pay for it?

Wrecky Studhouse

Posted 2:45 pm, 08/28/2024

Kamala is going to build a wall on the Southern Border. How many Democrats are in favor of that policy?

Does she have Dementia or is she selling lies?

Wrecky Studhouse

Posted 9:19 pm, 08/23/2024

I enjoy the Democrats backing Harris.

"Vote for me and we will have secured borders & the strongest economy in America History" .


Posted 12:50 pm, 08/23/2024

i thought i had seen everything until i saw the marching protesters wearing tshirts that said "Pro Choice Vegans". that was disgusting


Posted 11:33 am, 08/23/2024

Clowns, circuses, have you checked out any of Trump's rallies lately? The big orange clown making funny noises and faces, with all the preforming monkeys obediently doing their tricks.

Wrecky Studhouse

Posted 11:17 am, 08/23/2024

The DNC circus is over. It's official, their two clowns have taken over. The Democrats believed everything dementia Joe told them . It's going to be interesting to see, if they believe everything these two clowns in this circus act throw at them.


Posted 4:59 pm, 08/22/2024

They'll trot out Big Lie II.

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 4:56 pm, 08/22/2024

If Trump gets beaten - again - will conservatives finally realize what a loser he is?


Posted 12:45 pm, 08/22/2024

Cant wait for trump to win and nothing change, but the folks who are whining the most now will say everything is better.

DildoBaggins will be at the front of the line like any good plebe.

Wrecky Studhouse

Posted 11:11 am, 08/22/2024

It's like the guy at the gas pump with Biden/Harris sticker stamped on the bumper of his car. He's ranting about the high gas and grocery prices,etc...


DB Cooper

Posted 10:48 am, 08/22/2024

Dimocrats are so stoopid they will go vote for Kammie and then go to the grocery store and pay twice as much for their groceries than when Trump was prez.


Posted 10:22 am, 08/22/2024

Wrecky Studhouse (view profile)

Posted 9:40 am, 08/03/2024

They believed everything that a man with dementia told them

And you MAGATS still think your orange messiah really cares about you

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