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Children's Baptism


Posted 11:15 am, 09/22/2024

Faith: Belief in divine truth without proof. Religion: System of faith and worship. Put the two together and whatya got? 0, nada, bupkus. Add to that people that profess to follow a specific religion but don't abide by its teachings and you've got less than bupkus.

You don't have to go any further than this site to find some glaring examples. "Christians" that worship an evil orange idol and emulate his animosity towards others. "Christians" that applaud his declarations of vicious retribution and revenge upon those that disagree with him. "Christians" that not only acquiesce with his words and actions but justify and reinforce his toxic behavior.
Yet, they're completely oblivious to the fact that the very religion which they profess to follow deplores their words and actions and condemns them to a terrible punishment.


Posted 10:00 am, 09/22/2024

"g, your statement makes a distinction without a difference."

Well of course it does, faith is quite different from you to me, to them and they...on and on and on...

as it should be.

what determines one's faith/belief is how it is interpreted it into the your own life experience.
that is where the difference is!

I don't want the same faith/belief as you or anyone else for that matter, we are instructed to discern for ourselves.


Posted 8:52 am, 09/22/2024

Fox at lest you try to help the helpless. Some think it sounds big to down God, I don't. I did once but no more. You are who you hang

with, fox is right.


Posted 8:27 am, 09/22/2024

no doubt


Posted 8:06 am, 09/22/2024

Theys for sure entertained by the keg stands in the camping section, Butch. Our sources is a buncha d*** drunks


Posted 7:59 am, 09/22/2024

I would say some of your sources might just be some of those pedos. Seems like you have a dislike for the things of God yourself. I guess the old saying hangs true. You are or soon like those (sources) you run around with. Glad you got entertained


Posted 7:58 am, 09/22/2024

Any of u fellers see Stoney at the babtizings?

sparkling water

Posted 7:55 am, 09/22/2024

g, your statement makes a distinction without a difference.


Posted 7:45 am, 09/22/2024

Our sources said theys some of them pedos at the babtizings at the Faithfest alooking at the wet tatas show. Younguns ain't got no d*** respect for nothing no more


Posted 7:42 am, 09/22/2024

You are up early enough to get ready and go somewhere to church this morning Redneck. Why don't you go sit in and see what takes place,, I would say you might be surprised


Posted 7:39 am, 09/22/2024

It's like a wet t-shirt contest for pedophiles.


Posted 12:15 am, 09/22/2024

"All religions can be wrong.
Only one can be right."

there is not one, not one single "religion" that is right, period!
It's not about "religion" at all...it's about faith!

Fox, just to remind you...you do amuse me!

sparkling water

Posted 9:08 pm, 09/21/2024

Here's the thing, jimmi.

All religions can be wrong.
Only one can be right.


Posted 8:45 pm, 09/21/2024

Some folks here actually think that there's only ONE religion. Trump has only one religion, the dollar.

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 8:17 pm, 09/21/2024

Christianity has incorporated many pagan rituals.


Posted 8:04 pm, 09/21/2024

Jesus got baptized, was he a pagan

sparkling water

Posted 7:51 pm, 09/21/2024

And where did you get your information?


Posted 7:41 pm, 09/21/2024

It was originally a pagan ritual, it's merely symbolic and it's also meaningless.


Posted 5:16 pm, 09/21/2024

Nothing but wetting their hair


Posted 4:09 pm, 09/21/2024

U saying them rainbow sprinkles on top ain't doing nothing for the younguns or what, Butch?

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