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CBS reporter stunned: 'We only found 1 Harris supporter'


Posted 10:58 am, 09/20/2024

I speak and search for the truth. I don't believe everything I hear or read without checking facts on both parties. Some people would rather believe everything they read and hear rather than to research and find the truth themselves. Too much work to make sure they find the real truth on reputable fact checker sites. A lot of misinformation is being spread. You'd be amazed to find out by who.

I have never changed my name.


Posted 10:26 am, 09/20/2024

Yet another liberal leftist zh(t who cannot control their urge to spew their TDS.

YOU go, smurf !

DB Cooper

Posted 10:22 am, 09/20/2024

Thanks, smurf!


Posted 9:59 am, 09/20/2024

They only found one to come forward; willing to talk I believe that was the way the quote went. However, like Trump you only hear what you want to believe. People voting democrat are concerned that the crazy republicans will be violent like they have been taught be their leader.

They don't realize they are being lied to.
Ever hear that old saying, "Tell them everything; give them nothing". I am always amazed that NC is a republican majority state. Do you know why industry comes to NC? Because wages are so low. They can treat people any way they want and pay them whatever they want and get richer. We are now under Biden 36th in wages. Under Trump we were 39 in the whole US in wages. That is why Trump and the rich like to come here. Big tax breaks for business and we don't allow unions. That way they can treat you any way they want and work you to death.
Educate yourself!

DB Cooper

Posted 9:01 am, 09/20/2024

Leftists on gowilkes change their names so frequently I'm just going to call them all "smurf" and figure that's close enough.

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 5:22 pm, 09/19/2024

Here's the thread you abandoned. Maybe you just can't find it?


Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 5:20 pm, 09/19/2024

How's the weather in Nevada, DB? You must be paying attention somewhere, right?

DB Cooper

Posted 5:15 pm, 09/19/2024

Come to gowilkes! We have 3 or 4... masquerading as 20!

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