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Big lie dies.


Posted 6:32 pm, 09/07/2024

Come on now faker,Conrad,Weird,DrewSweepsMidtown, Tell us all about the big lie and HOW IT MAKES YOU FEEL?


Posted 8:54 am, 09/07/2024

Poor old Flakey, his great orange idol just threw him and all the other election deniers under the orange bus. Considering that Trump was the one that manufactured the Big Lie in the first place, you have to wonder what his reason is for fessing up?

Flakey may never recover from this.

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 8:14 pm, 09/06/2024

Told you.

At least those chickens are momentarily free...

sparkling water

Posted 8:09 pm, 09/06/2024


Posted 8:05 pm, 09/06/2024

YOU go, zh(tZ !

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 7:59 pm, 09/06/2024

Careful! This is like saying Beetlejuice three times. Fakey just left his pleasure barn - those poor chickens - to go bump it back up.


Posted 7:44 pm, 09/06/2024

The Stop the Steal thread seems to have gone on sabbatical. Could it have something to do with "The Chosen One's" half arsed admission to losing the 2020 election?

"We mustn't let them know that we lost the election."

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