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Advice please


Posted 9:15 am, 08/17/2024

Foxnose (view profile)

Posted 6:51 pm, 08/16/2024

Don't know if cheetos work or not but I feel sure voting for Democrats will produce a bright yellow

You mean like the Russian pee tapes?


Posted 8:12 am, 08/17/2024

@hardcase..you might as well bend over when you vote Democrat because, you are getting { ******D } and you might turn blue in the face..just saying. Enjoy your Cheetos!!


Posted 12:32 am, 08/17/2024

I suggest getting some mental help like Fetterman and actually making more sense now.

Conrad’s Ghost

Posted 11:02 pm, 08/16/2024

Voting Republican turns one Soviet red.


Posted 6:51 pm, 08/16/2024

Don't know if cheetos work or not but I feel sure voting for Democrats will produce a bright yellow


Posted 6:47 pm, 08/16/2024

Careful with those Cheetos hardcase, get too much of an orange glow and the MAGATS will accuse you of copying Trump.


Posted 4:36 pm, 08/16/2024

Had some Cheetos the other day and loved them. While I was eating the orange glow was on my fingers. If I eat them everyday will I get the orange glow?

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