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Community Voice
Threads 1 - 20 of 199,516





Trump Hates Taylor Swift?
Whatever for? She's a wonderful young lady. I think it might be jealousy.

A Big Thank You to Joe Biden
For capping medical costs for things like insulin. Go Joe!

Gas prices are way down under Joe Biden
after going way way up under Joe Biden.

i need to know
without giving me some BS, just what did trump do to make almost every one of u worship that man. The courts wont stand up to hi, almost ...

just where 'ol smurf AND our other liberal leftist zh(tZ get their inspiration to author so many bogus threads set to smear AND bash Pres...

Breakfast gravy
The last several times that I've made breakfast gravy, it's come out VERY thin. I'm using the exact same measurements as always, so why i...

Trump has survived
Lies, hoaxes, more lies, disloyalty, more lies, impeachment, more lies, a stolen election, more lies, another impeachment, more lies, an ...

The rent is too high
Those smart Liberals in California are going to vote on getting a new law to have Rent Control Do we need rent control in Wilkes?

smells like a 3 letter operative
https://notthebee.com/artic...e internet

dang at the politic topics here
awful hard to keep up with.

If times get really hard
is your neighbor's dog fat enough to nourish you for a week?

Beginner's Luck
How are these lone wolves 2 for 2 in finding the holes in the Secret Service's perimeter?

So who added the helicopter noises?
Blades ain't turning, so why the noise? https://notthebee.com/artic...t on trump

If They’ll Lie About Eating Dogs and Cats
What in the Sam Hill will be next ? Think Springfield should be able to sue all the grief this community has suffered over a pack of lies...

Trump lowered your insulin prices and George Bush gave you drug coverage.

What will Democrats do when they are finally successful at assassinating Trump
It seems like such a perfect way to defeat him and probably will, but when it does what will the guilty party do. I think it will be like...

What will democrats do when they realize they cant steal this election?
I betting they have another pandemic Post your predictions here.

Please no hateful/smart remarks. Each month when our ss checks come, my husband of 52 years gets so upset when he doesn't have money left...

Thank goodness
The Ohio Haitians are no longer eating pets. They probably just didn't know any better until it came to the attention of the American peo...

Scamala & Tampon Timmy: A Highway To Energy Misery And Climate Tyranny
Kamala Harris desperately wants to be " unburdened by what has been " the Biden Harris policies she helped develop and implem...


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