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Threads 61 - 80 of 199,585





Mr? turn about.
So, Trump's new girlfriend said Lyndsay Graham is gay, oh what a surprise! She's dumping on one of her (sorry I can't get it up dear) boy...

Democrats vote against
Deportation of violent illegals Thanks Kamala

Don't you ladies like the freedoms and choices Donnie and the Supreme Court has taken away ?

Gandy guess who said this
"The children of the community are the children of the community "

Kamala’s Opportunity Economy
$25,000 to first time homeowners. $6,000 to first time parents...etc... you silly Democrats are in for a rude awakening...she is ready to...

Iranian spies in bed with leftist politicians
https://www.wane.com/news/p... campaign

Thanks Kamala
Mortgage rates go up after fed cuts rates

Sean Combs has friends
And they're all Democrats, Obama, Hillary just to name two.

****wombles Showed Their True Colors Again
It may have been mentioned but worth another shout I think ? Legislation to limit a months supply of insulin for us type 2 diabetics to b...

Mexican Independence Day celebration
Well That might have been fun if anybody would have known about it!

So, am watching an old episode of The Price is Right
One prize up for bids is a trash compactor. Anyone still have one of these ?

Santa Cruz needs to be on the asylum seeker bus route
Santa Cruz County Sheriff David Hathaway said the boarder wall was racist and made his remarks while sitting next to the mother of a woma...

If you didn’t vote for Kamallia in the Primaries
you shouldn't vote for her in the General Elections.

Is this really BigMike pushing a joy juice? I'm not fluent in rudimentary ebonics, AND I don't know anybody who is, but how shoulda YOU p...

52% **** Higher Taxes if Harris Wins
https://www.rasmussenreport...arris wins

Melania is Proud of her Nudes
Good for her. Honestly, I'm proud of her, too. In fact, I'd love to see the pix she has sent the various Mar a Lardo pool boys.

Trump Hates Taylor Swift?
Whatever for? She's a wonderful young lady. I think it might be jealousy.

Democrats, the party for women?
https://www.foxnews.com/pol...sex crimes Come on ladies stop complaining it is just rape

Bidenflation still hot but Feds expected to cut interest today in support of Scamala
Federal Reserve stooge Jerome Powell is set to take plenty of partisan fire this week if he, as expected, lowers interest rates. Why woul...

I'm proud to be one of the 82 percent of white Evangelicals that support Donald Trump. I want Project 2025 to be the law of the land and ...


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