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Threads 4201 - 4220 of 200,264





Scientist say. deadly blood clot disorder
triggered by covid vaccine. And another young man with blood clot dead by suicide. https://webcache.googleuser...h?q=cache: https://scite...

Canada turned him away to the USA
An illegal immigrant wanted for the murder of a woman in West Virginia has an "extensive" criminal history in his home country ...

Why topics occurs on other editions of GoNC?
Why are the same topics posted on other editions of GoNC?

I want to hear the chant at the 600 tonight
Trump will be at the 600 in concord today and I cant wait to hear **** Joe Biden and Lets go Brandon. I hope it pisses you liberals off.

RIP Libertarian Party: Get a load of the goober they just nominated as their presidential candidate
It looks like the leftist decay has finally finished off whatever may have remained of the Libertarian Party. Gone are the days of Ron Pa...

Trump Wants To Either Execute Drug Dealers Or Pardon Them, Depending On Who He's Talking To

On This Memorial Day Always Remember
All gave some Some Gave All One had Bone Spurs

And he’s sorry he got caught
Biden Admits Plagiarism in Law School

Lifeguard/Football player Joe Biden got five draft deferments for asthma during Vietnam

America needs a Shock Treatment
Many of you are Shocked by Donald J Trump. Problem solved.

So controversial to democrats
Real women aren't men.

Do Younguns want to Play Football on a Democrat Field?
Why u democrats want to put ur headquarters right where it gets on our da** nerves ever year is beyond us. U ort to have more respect tha...

Why does Joe lie when he doesn't have to ?
The "final blow" for the campaign in 1988 came when Newsweek unearthed C SPAN footage of Biden rattling off his academic accomp...

Brain Injury support in Ashe?
I attended a group here years ago but don't remember who to contact to see about it. Is there a support group here that meets to discuss ...

Come on Walmart, get you a mess
Walmart to follow suit with Target, Pride month is upon us. Soooo, Walmart, please explain what straddle hatchets have to be proud of? ht...

Can't fly US flag in US parks?
https://mxmnews.com/article...an outrage Can't say "american" or anti will be offended and lie some more.

Rent up 20 %
Since Joe Biden took office , 1 in 5 renters reported being behind on their rent.

1.7 million known gotaways
And Antithesis says they're all vaccinated.

We are a nation of LAWS
Please don't tell me our founding father overlooked laws that would apply to rogue judges making racist, sexist, political judgements to ...

Nothing fishy about this?
https://www.foxnews.com/pol...iden trial


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