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Threads 601 - 620 of 199,676





AND their media dog enablerZ foist the same treatment on Warnock they gave to JD? Warnock: School Shootings Are a 'Fact of American Life'

One months rent
Migrant families receive $4000 in grants to aid transition out of NYC shelters

Kamala Harris endorsements this week.
Putin. Dick Cheney. Satan.

Where Did Trump's Money Come From? Answered by Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian

Has everyone seen the "accordion to trump" YouTube videos?
Michael Cohen recently said "accordion hands" is the "tell" when Trump is lying https://www.youtube.com/wat...65jqrHQi c

How many criminal Charges is Donnie Under
https://www.citizensforethi...hey stand/ What a jack *** to hitch your wagon too ? No wonder you love em so good

Even Dick Cheney's not voting for Donnie?

The slogan.
What happened to Trump's favorite slogan? Did someone apprise him that: "You tend to forget that your original intent was to drain t...

Illegal immigrants KY interstate highways
It appears more violent activity is playing out due to illegal immigrating

Big lie dies.
The Stop the Steal thread seems to have gone on sabbatical. Could it have something to do with "The Chosen One's" half arsed ad...

Does Biden still shower
And is more acceptable that his daughter helps him now rather than when she was 12.

Oh look, more lies
from gw lieberals. They keep saying this not happening, or they are "rare" events. Keep it up sheeple https://mxmnews.com/artic...

Hunter getting a pardon
What are the chances that Hunter will serve time? I would bet that there is 100% chance that he will NOT spend 1 day in prison. That was ...

There's a black guy selling Trump apparel on 421. Merica

Mark Chandler of Coastal Carolina U
Iran tried to assinate Trump,Biden and Haley. & Turkey the good old shrunken Ottoman Empire. Give refuge to hamas members. Giving them sa...

Has NEVER lost a single child or teacher to a school shooting (They don't have any republicans either).

At Some Point Trump Will Be Too Feeble…
...to sexually assault women. That's great news! The question is: Is he already too feeble, or is he still sexually assaulting women?

You're not a activist if you have A/C
Scientist calls for Americans to cut off air conditioning in summer, claiming it causes global warming

So True!
https://youtu.be/u27s2JtSv ...AOfC2AmnZg

Are you burdened by what has been?
Inflation, illegals taking over buildings, loss of international respect, not knowing who is making decisions in the president's name, en...


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