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youtube videos words repeating themselves


Posted 3:30 am, 03/06/2010

Is it one specific video, or every bideo on Youtube?

It could be a bandwidth issue...perhaps your connection isn't fast enough to support the video you wish to stream.

It could be that you have an older ocmputer, or maybe a netbook, which isn't powerful enough to handle Adobe Flash. The demands of Adobe Flash, particularly on high definition video, are kind of shocking. Older systems, and wimpy current systems like most netbooks, just can't handle it. Fortunately hardware acceleration has finally come to Flash, and newer ION graphics chips in the best netbooks have no problem with high definition video.

Just a couple of thoughts about what the problem MIGHT be. It would take more information to come closer to a diagnosis (the specs of your machine, your internet connection, if there are any other loads ON your connection (another computer online, a Blu-Ray player streaming a movie...something), etc.

Are you connecting wirelessly to the 'net, and are you more than, say, 20-30 feet from your wireless router? If so, that could be your problem. Again...just a stab in the dark! Give us more info!


Posted 3:42 pm, 03/03/2010

I need help with my videos. When ever I try to watch a youtube video it says a few words and then repeats it over. How can I fix this. I is very annoying.

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