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Windows 8


Posted 5:51 am, 12/13/2012

Well said shagbag, so you had a typo - wish I had a dollar for every typo I've had. I would be on a cruise versus here. Anyway, I have been forcing myself to use Windows 8 without any add-ins. I still like Window 7 better, but 8 does boot faster and I could see an advantage using it if you had a touch screen. I created a "local account" versus a "Microsoft account" during installation. I am leery of using a Microsoft account and I would not recommend it to anyone. I will just upgrade to 8 PRO for 69 bucks to get remote desktop then I can access my computer and files and I will not need Cloud..


Posted 6:43 pm, 12/08/2012

blueridgeguy maybe I do talk to much seeing how I have only made three post on here ever. Do you know what is so great about living in the United States? We have free will and that means that you do not have to read what I post. I thought the Tech Talk Forum was for GoWilkes users to discuss, get or give advice on computers, smart phones, software, programs exc. I thought that trash talk would be confined to the Community Voice were people like to play your game. I guess I was dead wrong. To the other two THANK YOU. I see now thanks to Crypt that if you go to the desk top your tool bars are a lot like earlier Windows. I guess Microsoft was trying to make the PC look and feel more like your phone. It might be good on a touch screen but on a conventional laptop I have yet to find a real use for it. It does look cool though. I give Blue. You can sleep good tonight. You win I don't want to play childish games. The only reason I posted on here was to get some advice from some of the computer savvy GoWilkes users.


Posted 5:23 pm, 12/08/2012

"Why be a smart*** man?"

You totally used the wrong word so its not a misspelling. Also, the P key and the B key are nowhere near close so you can't play the typo card.

And you talk too much.

White America

Posted 1:09 am, 12/08/2012

IOBIT makes a start bar app to replace the metro screen. It works well. You can also set it to boot straight to desktop



Posted 9:20 pm, 12/07/2012

I'm also learning to use Win8. I have found that I have 2 internet explorers and one did let me add the menu bar. There are some Win8 tips and tricks videos on YouTube that will help you. I guess Microsoft believes the future is in tablet size or smaller screens where the minimize/maximize and close would be too difficult to use.


Posted 8:14 pm, 12/07/2012

Why be a smart*** man? I do not post on here because you can't post a topic with out someone looking for one misspelled word just so they can try to look like they are smarter than the one that posted before them. I'm glad that I'm not so insecure in my intellect that I would comb an informal public form in the hopes of finding a typo so I could bring it to light in a feeble attempt to portray myself as wise and all knowing. If I wanted to show everyone that I was a brilliant person I think I would better served by giving useful advice about said topic. In my opinion all you showed everyone is that you do not know anything about what I posted.


Posted 7:21 pm, 12/07/2012

What is a lab top?

Also, nothing sucks worse than Windows ME.


Posted 7:08 pm, 12/07/2012

I bought a new Gateway lab top two weeks ago that runs Windows 8 and I think it sucks. I like this PC over my Asus even though my Asus cost about 400 dollars more and has twice the memory and it runs Windows 7 I just can't get the hang of surfing the web with 8. I know some of you are computer savvy and might have figured out how to keep Windows 8 from playing hide and seek with the tool bars. I like some of the features Windows 8 offers over 7 so I'm trying to get use to it but this hidden tool bars that come and go is getting old. If I could get the tool bars to stay like 7 I think it would better. I only know 1 person using 8 and they think Windows 8 sucks worse than Vista LOL I would like to know what other people think of the new Windows.

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