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Windows 7---the worst advertising campaign EVER!

Daddy P

Posted 9:38 pm, 11/04/2009

I thought y'all might like this.


Posted 10:27 am, 11/03/2009

Apple's advertising is brilliant. And it take balls after the problems people have had with Snow Leopard, APPLE'S VISTA!


Posted 2:44 pm, 11/02/2009

Agree with KScott ... IMHO, the anti-Win7 Apple commercial is their best in a series of funny ones ... PROMISE


Posted 2:10 pm, 11/02/2009

It's available on netbooks. And some places still have boxed OEM versions.

I just found OEM versions of XP at newegg


The Great Space Wizard

Posted 2:03 pm, 11/02/2009

Is XP still being sold? I haven't seen it in any of the big stores. If so then it might be worth downgrading from Vista.


Posted 1:32 pm, 11/02/2009

Ain't that the truth. Balmer must be the biggest A-Hole since Steve Jobs during the dark days at Apple, when he would meet people in the hallway or elevator, ask them "what have you done to make money for us today?", and if they didn't have a good answer, FIRE THEM ON THE SPOT!

Can you imagine working for someone like that? LIFE IS TOO SHORT!


Posted 1:12 pm, 11/02/2009

As long der Fuehrer is in control of microsoft he will not hear any nay speak .


Posted 1:04 pm, 11/02/2009

Oh yeah, they're still supporting XP. Will be for years. In fact, new netbooks still ship with XP (most of them, anyway...some have Win 7, a few even have Vista).


Posted 12:40 pm, 11/02/2009

This is why the new Mac commercial is so brilliant. It's a "time-machine" type of thing, where Mac and PC go back in time, to where PC has made the same promises all the way back to Windows 2.

The Great Space Wizard

Posted 12:39 pm, 11/02/2009

Are they still supporting XP?


Posted 12:35 pm, 11/02/2009

We're still patching XP after EIGHT YEARS! How about working on fixing an operating system, really fixing it, before introducing the exciting, next new flavor!

The Great Space Wizard

Posted 12:25 pm, 11/02/2009

They aren't fooling anyone. Whenever somebody reviews Windows 7, they're comparing it to Vista which inevitably drudges up all of Vista's problems.


Posted 12:01 pm, 11/02/2009

thanks for your expert opinion!


Posted 11:57 am, 11/02/2009

Have you seen the latest Windows 7 TV commercial?

A young woman is sitting in what looks like an internet cafe', talking about how she "hated it when her computer would freeze and crash all the time. Now there's Windows 7, and the problems are gone...." something like that.

Think about it. If her computer was "freezing and crashing", whose operating system was it that was freezing and crashing? Almost certainly MICROSOFT'S! Which completely contradicts what they told us a few months ago about Vista, when they were calling it "Mojave" in TV ads, assuring us that it DID NOT "freeze and crash".

The only logical conclusion is that their new message must be "We know our products always suck, but this one sucks a little less." Wow. Doesn' that make you want to open-up your wallet?

I'm so thankful I haven't a single cent in Microsoft stock! I have ZERO confidence in Steve Balmer.

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