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Windows 7 / VISTA / Windows XP


Posted 6:52 pm, 08/29/2009

I'm with HeltonNative on that issue.. I'm loving the Linux operating system. I use Ubuntu Linux and suggest it. I'm still learning how to use a lot of features in Ubuntu, so for now I am dual booting (meaning I have the option to load windows or ubuntu).

I miss Win XP a lot. I had to buy a new laptop this summer and it was loaded w/ Vista. Vista has so many bugs and errors. A lot of my files have actually come up missing. Vista becomes unresponsive A LOT.

On the note of Win 7, I am upset w/ HP right now. I bought my notebook when I did on the basis that I would be able to upgrade for free when Win 7 became available. Two salespeople told me I would be able to at no cost. Now it so happens that I have to pay. I'm angry.


Posted 5:40 am, 08/26/2009

I suppose it's just a matter of personal preference.

If you like Windows then feel free to stick with it.

As for me, I'm loving Linux and have no intention of buying a Microsoft product in future.

By the way, I hate the one-button mouse.


Posted 2:27 am, 08/26/2009

Church of Windows (Gates be with you)... LOL that was awesome!

well-said on the frailty of windows, but being a 20 year veteran programmer of code, including more than a few years hacking systems back in the day, there is no such thing as a safe OS really... every system has vulnerabilities. the most susceptible are the ones that think they aren't ;)

it's a matter of popularity, and in time if macs ever approach the saturation that pc's have then you will see same frequency and attempts to bring it down. i read somewhere that only 1/40th of the world computers out there are apple.... if true then apple will be safe for a very long time!

lynux.... not sure about this monkey, if he's worth it or will just fling poo at me... if I have an OS running and my system is fine as is, and has been for nearly 20 years, why would I want to switch?

Guess I'm still haunted by the one-button mouse that apple was so proud of *shudders... is it gone yet?* lol... seriously the technical design might be superior as you say but the functional design is still better with windows-- if it were that bad then it never would have taken hold ;) and still is a much better value for the money.

if you are careful with files then you'll never worry about security issues to be honest. In 20 years the only PC attacks/viruses I've encountered have come from friends using my computers, or from fixing other people's computers who have kids in their houses.... never from anything I've done. Just have to be careful, like in real life!

I would love to see apple and micro merge.... now that would be cool. best of both worlds...


Posted 1:52 am, 08/24/2009

bmfb, I used to be a disciple of the Church of Windows (Gates be with you). I used to cite the 'Security By Obscurity' theory regularly. But it turns out I was wrong.

Linux and Mac are more secure than Windows first and foremost because of their design. The design is such that a rogue file can't run unchecked, unlike in a Windows environment where programs are given carte blanche to download and run executable files. This same design also protects core system files from attack, so if a malicious program does get in, the damage is often limited. Linux also has the extra added benefit of being open source. This transparency in the source code makes it much more difficult for a malicious program to successfully hide.

Mac and Linux certainly are not bulletproof. But they certainly are more secure than Windows. Not because they are less popular than Windows, but because they have a superior design.


Posted 11:32 am, 08/23/2009

I love how people knock windows... let's see you try to code an operating system that does what it does... and works with 90% of the world's software out there... and is organized and designed to a level that sets the STANDARD.... it's all good. if you like something and want to pay for it, you do. XP is a great OS, period. Vista (and 7) are necessary as technology continues to speed forward, the OS has to adapt to new standards.

linux will have security issues someday too. just like macs are starting to as they gain in popularity.

the more mac and linux wind up in europe and 3rd world countries, the more viruses and security breaches will threaten those platforms... and you'll all be doing the upgrade/update dance as windows users do now. Macs are actually safer due to be being outlandishly expensive. linux is really in danger though as it is free. and if it is as good as people say it is, these foreign countries will soak it up like sponges and begin their assimilation and corruption of it. so the world turns...


Posted 4:09 pm, 08/17/2009

Ok i for one have run linux and im on it now sercurity wise its great. how ever there are some tweaks they need to fix like u cant download regular yahoo messenger there is a client hgowever that u can get but there is no sounds in the chat room such as voice, linux gets slow sometimes but if u close firefox and restart it it will speed back up .... As for me I love to have windows xp and then just upgrade to windows 7 vista has voice problems in yahoo chat also . I do have unbuntu and freespire if any one would like to try them out


Posted 7:04 pm, 07/29/2009

Thank you all so much. I think I have decided on a laptop to purchase. It has Vista and comes w/ the free upgrade to Windows7. A friend told me if I didn't like Vista after I got it or had problems I could install Windows XP onto the laptop.

I may go ahead and download Linux to a CD just to try it out and see what it will do.

Everything is changing so much. Any other tips or advice is greatly appreciated.

Thank you all again.


Posted 11:30 pm, 07/28/2009

I have had running older apps on Vista. Had one App that said My OS was to old and the oldest OS it would run on was Windows 2000. I put it to run on compatibility mode and It ran will no problems.So far, I am finding the compatibility mode to work better in Vista then it does in XP.


Posted 8:21 pm, 07/28/2009

My two cents:
I run XP, Vista, Windows 7 (I've participated as a beta tester), Ubuntu and OpenSuse. All work fairly well. From a security perspective, XP is the worst. Vista is quite a bit different and takes some getting used to, but it’s much better after the first service pack.
Windows 7 is much like an "optimized" Vista. It runs faster than XP on the same machine, but does inherit much of the interface from Vista (eye candy, etc). I really like Vista, but I'll probably upgrade my Vista laptops to Windows 7 on 10/22. Both Vista and Windows 7 can probably be coaxed to run your XP applications (there are exceptions – check with your software vendors for more info).
Linux (Ubuntu, OpenSuse and many others) is a very viable option for many, but you mentioned that your XP apps were very important to you. Linux will not natively run Windows applications. There are several ways to get around this (if you are just a little tech savvy) via virtualization. I converted my mother’s computer to Ubuntu 2 years ago and she has been very satisfied. All of the things she uses a computer for (e-mail, web browsing, word processing, multimedia) are all easily done with zero cost! And the number of “family support” calls I get has greatly reduced.
At the risk of offending the “Mac Faithful”, I never recommend Windows users to switch. Too me, Macs are too pricey, hard/impossible to upgrade and offer nothing that Windows and Linux don’t. As a matter of fact, Mac’s OS (OSX) is actually built from a close cousin to Linux (BSD). If that’s what you want, why not use Linux for free?
Good luck with your purchase. My recommendation: wait for Windows 7. But, shop around, get your hands on all of them and give them a spin. I’m sure if you do that, you’ll be satisfied with your decision!


Posted 5:18 pm, 07/28/2009

Thank you. I will try that out and see what I think.


Posted 11:25 pm, 07/27/2009

Linux is it's own entity. It's hard to compare it to another OS, so I'll just run down some of the key features.

Linux is very secure and stable. You can save a lot of time, effort and hard drive space not having to deal with anti-virus and other such programs.

In the past Linux had a reputation as being impossible to use without a degree in computer science, but those days are long gone. Many versions of Linux, like Ubuntu, cater specifically to the average user. As a long-time Windows user, I found Ubuntu very easy to use.

Linux is free. With very few exceptions, Linux operating systems are totally free. Just download and go. Not only is the OS free, but there are tons of Linux programs available for free.

Lastly, I'll say that Linux allows you to try it without committing to anything. You can download the file, burn it to a CD/DVD, and use LiveCD mode. This will allow you to experience what the OS is like without affecting your current system. Here's the download link for Ubuntu.



Posted 8:31 pm, 07/27/2009

Thank you to everyone that responded. I am having to replace my laptop. I'm so confused on which way to go.

I never liked Vista. I get frustrated way too easily. Windows XP is familiar and my programs will run on it. I worry that upgrading will be a mistake.

Dell offers a program to build a laptop w/ Vista but you can customize w/ Windows XP preinstalled and switch when you are ready.

Walmart is giving free upgrade to Windows 7 w/ all laptop purchases when it is released.

I have not used a Mac in years and I know they have really made a lot of progress.

I have never heard of Linux. What is it similar to?


Posted 11:46 am, 07/27/2009

I realize I'm in the minority here, but I believe vista has a bad reputation because of a buggy release.

I was in need of a new computer 6 months ago. After having some difficulty finding an xp system with the specs I needed, I bit the bullet and got a vista system. I've yet to have a system crash, bsod, or any other serious error. I have to say xp feels clunky and old now.

Although I would have no problem recommending vista, now that 7 is about to be released I would wait for that. I've already pre-ordered my copy. I know a few that used 7 beta for several months and were very happy with it.


Posted 6:43 am, 07/27/2009

I remember Windows ME. Had to turn off the auto fix or it would turn one conflict into 7. The only good thing about it was the drivers for it also worked for Windows 98se. SO after everyone stopped making drivers for 98 I would just install ME drivers.


Posted 11:05 pm, 07/26/2009

try a copy of .... Windows ME... you will think pencil and paper are the bomb!


Posted 11:04 pm, 07/26/2009

I could write pages on this, but I'll try to be succinct.

A lot of people and businesses are not planning to switch from XP to Win7 because XP is the "Ol' Reliable" of Windows operating systems. It works, plain and simple. Microsoft has all but admitted Vista is a POS. They promise more from Win 7, but you can't really put a lot of faith in their word.

Wilkesman2 says:
"Is Windows 7 does not function well and stable I am switching to Linux next."

My advice to both of you would be to just switch to Linux now. I installed Ubuntu Linux a while back, and love it. Better than Mac. Definitely better than Windows. And you can't beat the price.


Posted 9:16 pm, 07/26/2009

I have one Vista, five XP, and one 98. I the 98 machine seems to run the fastest and has the slowest CPU. I just hope they don't build it to be slower then all the past OS's like Microsoft has done in the past. Vista is slower then XP, Is a lot more stable then it was when it came out., but with all the patches it is now also slower then when it came out. Just like XP patched now runs about 1/3 to 1/4 the speed it did when it first came out.

Its not a good idea running a PC online unpatched, that would be like leaving the front door open all night while we sleep with a sign that says come in here for hackers and worms. It someone was to run the computer 100% off line then it becomes less of a problem.

I think people are getting tired of paying for software and then find out they payed for something that does not work right. Most of us would call that bata testing.

Is Windows 7 does not function well and stable I am switching to Linux next.

I prefer Windows 95 or 98se but Microsoft stop supporting them years ago.


Posted 4:15 pm, 07/26/2009

I'm one of those that has refused to upgrade. I love my Windows XP and all of my programs that I use run on it.

I tried Vista and hated it. Now, they are coming out w/ Windows 7.

Here's where I need some help. What is the differences between XP / Vista / 7. Pros & Cons from those of you that have had a chance to use please.

OR, would you prefer the Mac?

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