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Wilkes or Elkin computer repair


Posted 11:40 am, 02/12/2015


*Gowilkes should really allow us to edit our posts...


Posted 11:40 am, 02/12/2015

Here's this as well.


Posted 11:35 am, 02/12/2015

Here's a good link that can be applied to home users as well.



Posted 11:28 am, 02/12/2015

Also telling your customers to use 2 user accounts instead of only 1 and to use UAC will help aid in that virus protection as well. Viruses can't install if they don't have admin privileges. Use the standard user account for everyday use and only use the admin account to install software. Keep UAC turned on so that way if something does try to sneak by it will throw up an UAC prompt letting you know. How many people do you know follows that best practice? Are you even following that best practice?


Posted 11:19 am, 02/12/2015

To each is their own I suppose. Go look at the best practices for virus removal and then come back and we'll chat. If the customer backs up their important information then reinstalling it will not be that hard. Sure, you can train the users all you want, but if you're not actively monitoring what they do; then it does no good. There has been legit sites that get affected by malicious ads and etc. So what's going to happen when you train your customers and they go to the legit sites and they still get infected by the malicious ads? Or they only download trusted software, but then that trusted software comes bundled with additional freeware crap that can only be bypassed if you choose a custom/advanced installation...


Posted 10:08 am, 02/12/2015

Chris87, I do believe you are mistaken when you say that the only way to guarantee the virus doesn't return is to do a full system wipe. There is no way to insure the virus doesn't return except to educate your customer and make sure they don't continue to go to sites or download software that will put that very virus back on the computer. There are, however, ways to remove the viruses without having to do a full system wipe, which is the easy way out in my opinion. Like ComputerTek said, why make your customer go through the hassle of having to reinstall software, replace files, and organize those files,bookmarks, favorites, etc when you can fix the problem without having to do a full wipe?


Posted 10:01 am, 01/15/2015

My motto is, "If it is not worth doing right, then do not do it at all and just take the easy way out." Providing sub par service has never been my goal and my skills are better used for getting a job done right the first time.

Completing a full re-install is always easy to do, simple, and takes less time for the technician. The end result, is that the customer must then take his/her precious time and re-install all the software that is dear to them, setup printers and wireless networks, place their file back into folders that they feel natural having them in again. There is so much time that I can save my customers by spending just an extra hour of my own to make sure that there are no complications.

Ask any of my customers what the difference is between myself and other repair technicians, the service that we all provide, and the manner in which I conduct business. None of them will say, "sub par".

Please come by the office sometime and chat. I love to converse about new tech, old tech, and customer satisfaction. To improve myself, my business process, and all of my skills is to improve my customers experience and the simplicity of their transaction.

Have a wonderful week Chris87 and all who are enjoying this blessed day.
Devin Martinez


Posted 8:27 am, 01/15/2015

Every time I hear someone speak of registry cleaners it makes me wonder how much they really know... There's no need in registry cleaning and the risk you take is not worth clearing out some outdated reg entries when there's still thousands of them in there... Also, why do you not charge a flat fee for virus removal which would consist of wiping the computer which is the only sure way to get rid of the virus and will take less time as well... Pull the product key off the computer and then just reload the OS. Make sure to pull any important information off of the HDD that you can and you're done. You can be doing something else such as helping another customer while that PC is getting reloaded with a fresh install.


Posted 12:30 am, 01/15/2015

Thank you Chris87. I have not had a chance to finish the last page, "services". The shop has been packed every day, and I will be back in at 9am. Working till 11pm has been rough, but it sure is fun helping all my customers get their computers back up and running.

To explain the pricing plan that I have...

After doing some research on surrounding shops and online, I noticed that due to the businesses' overhead increase as a full fledged business, the pricing was increased to a mundane amount. In the early stages of my interest in computers, I conducted my business as a non-profit. As the recession hit us, and I continued to operate without change, my time became short when I started a college and then a career. My love for computers has never swayed and I continued to help family, friends, and my community for only $20 per repair.

After 5 years of the career life and everyone telling me that working on computers, helping others learn, and sharing my knowledge is where I should be, I started a business. To determine a price range for specific repairs, I thought to myself, "Why increase my price just due to an increase in my business expense and total overhead?". So, the following assessment was made;

$40 for a Tune Up. A Tune Up includes everything from changing your browsers' home page to what you would like it to be, to cleaning junk files and old registry entries in your computer out to speed it up. Keeping viruses off your computer is your number one priority and I know this, so I help you to weigh the options between a free anti virus program or a paid one. Programs on your computer are important to be able to use the computer the way you like, knowing this is helpful when I assist you in finding and installing the best free programs to make your life easier.

$60 for a Basic Virus Removal. A Basic Virus Removal includes everything from the previous package and the removal of; malware, spyware, and redirecting viruses. Malware is annoying and spyware is always spying on you, pesky little programs sneaking around on your computer, let's get rid of em'. Browser add-ons that change your homepage and trick you into giving away your Facebook login are all removed carefully. This package covers any viruses that can be removed within three hours or less.

$80 for an Advanced Virus Removal. An Advanced Virus Removal includes everything from the previous packages and the removal of; trojan viruses, rootkits, the crypto locker virus or money pack virus. These viruses tend to take more than three hours to be removed completely. Additionally, I like to run all removal processes multiple times to be entirely sure that the issue does not repeat itself. Furthermore, after the removal is complete, I hand pick each instance of the left over files from the virus and remove them from your computer using a forensics tool. Due to the time this takes, and the extra precautions I implore, the process is usually completed overnight so that you do not have the issue again.

All of my prices are based on time, although I am always going the extra distance and taking additional time and care to ensure that your computer will stay virus free and you will personally know how to keep it that way. When you come to pick up your computer, I give you the option to sit with me for 30 minutes and learn the best practices to avoid computer viruses.

Thank you all for checking out the new site and I hope you all have a blessed day. Come by the office if you have time Friday to just converse about technology or find out some great ways to save on electronics and software. Advice is free!

Devin Martinez


Posted 12:56 pm, 01/14/2015

Not a bad website made from GoDaddy WebsiteBuilder. Nice to see you updating it. Keep it up!


Posted 12:49 pm, 01/14/2015

Just another way to make more money IMO... You should charge a flat fee for virus removal because you'll be using the same software to get rid of either spyware,malware,adware or an actual virus...


Posted 11:33 am, 01/14/2015

I just checked out your website http://www.wilkespc.com/ - What is the difference between "basic virus" removal and "advanced virus removal"? I don't know that much - just asking.. How do I know if I have a basic virus or an advanced virus?

old and tired

Posted 2:41 pm, 01/13/2015

Glad to hear your business is going well. Good luck to you and glad you got your "wanted" home!!


Posted 10:28 pm, 01/10/2015

You're broke from having to move around so much that you can't afford to move again... . Just kidding, but congrats on being successful thus far and best of luck with your business. I do IT work full time at my company and with only 2 days off if that since I'm on call 24/7, I don't want to see a computer for those two days, so I'll let you take all my clients and maybe we can split it 50/50?


Posted 9:42 pm, 01/10/2015

I am really happy everyone has been keeping up with our whereabouts. My apologies for moving a few times. I know that it has been confusing for my clients that since our establishment in June as a full time business.Please be assured that our new location is very permanent, as we love our new building. Melody Square would not allow us to advertise on the outside of the building which was a disappointment. We were in 9th street shortly until we decided that the location was not a good fit for our needs and there were some structural issues with the building that hindered our daily operations. We spent almost 5 months in Millers Creek until we were able to gather the funds to move into Mid Town Plaza in the location we have always had our eyes set on. My promise to my clients and the community is that any confusion will cease now that we have a spectacular location that I believe is centralized in Wilkes with fabulous parking and visibility. We have purchased http://www.WilkesPC.com and look forward to the move from the free website provider Webs.com.

Please look forward to some momentous changes and lots of free giveaways on our Facebook page.

Thank you again for the helpful comments and we look forward to helping everyone in Wilkes and surrounding counties as we expand our business further.

God Bless,
Devin Martinez

old and tired

Posted 11:55 am, 01/10/2015

He sure does move around a lot. Hasn't he been at Melody Square, 9th Street North Wilkesboro, Millers Creek and now Midtown Plaza within the last year?


Posted 8:35 pm, 01/09/2015

Also if you're paying for a domain name now, why not upgrade that website from Webs to something more professional?


Posted 8:23 pm, 01/09/2015

I believe he recently moved from Millers Creek to Midtown Plaza. The website however; states that he's still in millers creek.

old and tired

Posted 4:51 pm, 01/09/2015

I thought you were located in Millers Creek?

ComputerTek (view profile)

Posted 2:12 pm, 01/08/2015

Hello Lennox,
ComputerTek Repair Services is located in Midtown Plaza in North Wilkesboro. I have been repairing computers for over 10 years and have many certifications from Dell. I would like to assist you with this computer. Since it is an older computer, I would like to offer my services free of labor cost and a free estimate. After diagnosing the issue, I am sure that I can find an affordable solution for the hardware replacement parts.

Feel free to contact me anytime for more information.

Thank you,
Devin Martinez
ComputerTek Repair Services
300 Wilkesboro Avenue


Posted 2:12 pm, 01/08/2015

Hello Lennox,

ComputerTek Repair Services is located in Midtown Plaza in North Wilkesboro. I have been repairing computers for over 10 years and have many certifications from Dell. I would like to assist you with this computer. Since it is an older computer, I would like to offer my services free of labor cost and a free estimate. After diagnosing the issue, I am sure that I can find an affordable solution for the hardware replacement parts.

Feel free to contact me anytime for more information.

Thank you,
Devin Martinez
ComputerTek Repair Services
300 Wilkesboro Avenue

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