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Why is my computer doing this?


Posted 2:20 pm, 12/30/2009

I use Firefox, but only on my second monitor...the one I use for viewing TV shows from the internet (my TV is Monitor Number 2).

My favorite browser is Opera...which is the one I use most often. But I know that in Firefox, you can set it to use Internet Explorer's rendering engine, rather than it's own. This MIGHT solve the problem.

Perhaps someone who's more into Firefox than I am could pick up the thread here, and tell how it's done.


Posted 1:19 pm, 12/30/2009

I love firefox too, I've had to many problems with IE


Posted 1:18 pm, 12/30/2009

Thank you. Now that I know it is supposed to be that way, I will live with it.

I had never used firefox before, and I like it.


Posted 1:12 pm, 12/30/2009

not sure what's up with the missing letters thing on IE ... closest I have come to that is when something is booting up or running in background

re Firefox and no bold / color / etc mine is the same way ... also if you want to copy / paste a previous post it shows up funny .... just figured it is a conflict between GoWilkes format and Firefox


Posted 1:12 pm, 12/30/2009

Sounds like IE is lagging, too many add-ons? I use firefox & have never been able to use bold or color. The page doesnt support it on firefox.


Posted 1:07 pm, 12/30/2009

I am wondering why this is happening.
I have a new computor, and when I use firefox, I do not have the ability to use the BOLD and color, etc on Go Wilkes.
When I use IE, I do.

Also when I use IE, my keyboard misses letters, and I have to type slow.
Skipping letters is driving me crazy.

When I use firefox, this does not happen. Do you have any answers for me?

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