what kind of internet to get...
Posted 12:58 am, 09/02/2011
It's finally fixed. It happened to be my own fault. I was seeding a torrent, Duh, I should have known. This takes up a very large amount of the data pipe. Charter works great. My problem has been resolved for weeks now and I am more than happy to reccomend it. It is fantastic.
Big Joe
Posted 10:54 pm, 08/28/2011
Sorry to hear your internet is not working good. You may have to call in and tell them to a lead tech. Sometimes this works.
Posted 5:23 am, 08/13/2011
We have been very impressed with the speeds charter offers, it is just a real shame that the service hardly ever works like it should. It was fixed for about 2 weeks and it was awesome or epic as the kids say now but it hardly ever works right. My Internet is acting up as I speak. I've already lost three long posts in progress due to the sucky internet connection I have through Charter.
Big Joe
Posted 12:34 am, 07/29/2011
I have charter and it is very fast and never has a problem. Hope that helps!
Posted 12:12 pm, 07/28/2011
I live in Hays and Charter is epic. Highly recommended.
Posted 11:55 pm, 07/19/2011
Don't get Charter. I live in Millers Creek and have had nothing but problems. Numerous technicians have come out and not been able to solve the problem of my internet and phone both dropping out of signal. Get Wilkes Telephone if it is available. If that is not available try to see if Verizon is available and if it isn't just stick with Century Link.
Posted 8:44 pm, 07/05/2011
What does everyone else have and like? I have centurylink but I'm tired of paying $49.95. Plus, I don't need my home phone anymore. Any suggestions?? I currently have 10 mbps, but can go with 3-5 mbps.