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web site


Posted 7:52 pm, 11/07/2011

Web sites are a fun thing to create. Either as a hobby or even for a business but it will do you no good if no one sees it. I had at one time about twenty and now am down to two. Wordpress is a very good way to gain entry into the web world and it is free. Again you have the problem of having people see your page. I am on wordpress as johninflorida and did three years of blogging about Casey Anthony. Now I have pertty much locked up my site.

If you have a particular interest in something and can find people posting on wordpress about that subject then you can join in with your own customized page and display and talk about what ever it is. Your own server may supply you with 5 or 10 MB of space for a site, where I am Roadrunner does that. There is a lot of free web hosting out there, just google it.Most have plenty of help on how to make the site. But again who will see it. If it is for your friends and family you can attach a signature to all your e-mails with the link to your site but facebook does that in a way.

I do a lot of web sites in flash, mostly because it can be a real challenge. Here are a few examples if this forum lets me put in links.
My personal page,
This was for a wordpress page.
Here is a page made for a specific reason but the page is never seen unless I post a link, like here.

If the links are not highlighted, just copy and paste them.

From the above you can see there are many ways to have a web page, depends what you want and how much you are willing to put into it. PM me and I will give you any help I can. BTW, there are maybe 20 different programs that went into making up the pages above.

Good Luck,



Posted 2:50 pm, 11/07/2011

Webs.com is great, and they offer some great templates to make the process that much faster. I have made five websites using this website, and all of them were made in 4hours or less.

Visit the website below, it has been free for almost a year now:


Also, you can switch themes without damaging your original material. This makes it much easier to revamp your site when viewers start to loose interest.

Devin Martinez


Posted 9:44 pm, 11/06/2011


free website with blog and forums for templates website.


Posted 9:45 am, 11/05/2011

homestead.com is a good one for starting out


Posted 6:18 am, 11/05/2011

It really depends on what kind of website you want to have and some of the website building tools can be confusing.
What do you have in mind?


Posted 5:47 am, 11/05/2011

You can use wordpress for a blog, which is very good or angelfire for other options. I think they are both free. There are hundreds of places to get a template style website for a few dollars a month.


Posted 11:05 pm, 11/04/2011

Can anybody tell me a good and simple way to start up a website.any help is greatly appreciated.thanks

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