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Think that new Windows 7 computer is more secure? Remember, it's MICROSOFT we're talking about


Posted 1:09 pm, 11/10/2009

@Bigboystoys, the article says the virus only affects Jailbroken or Unlocked iPhones. Not an iPhone with it's standard configuration.


Posted 3:15 pm, 11/09/2009

7 is not just repackaged Vista, why the **** does Microsoft keep moving things around "under the hood"? it's maddening when controls you use often move from one place to another for no apparent reason!

Win 7 is what Vista would have been, if Microsoft could any longer code themselves out of a paper bag.

I heard recently that Steve Ballmer said "Netbooks are no big deal". They're the hottest-selling things on a depressed market! Shows how out of touch they are from the top-down!

The Great Space Wizard

Posted 3:13 pm, 11/09/2009

I wish I had known about Wine that time that Vista exploded my computer (figuratively). I'd probably be running ubuntu now.


Posted 3:06 pm, 11/09/2009

Ubuntu is 9 now, however I agree its way cleaner (so is red hat) However it wont run much of what the Average Joe would use like Java and some active X. Of course you can write some code to cover much of that as well as using Wine. Of course 7 is just a repackaged Vista shhhh I wasnt suposed to say that


Posted 3:03 pm, 11/09/2009

If they were just starting out, and people got to try Win 7 and Ubuntu 9 (isn't it at 9 now?), I think that most people would choose Ubuntu hands down!

It's so much cleaner, and more logical. And far faster!


Posted 2:46 pm, 11/09/2009

My friend put Ubuntu on my son's laptop. It's fabulous!


Posted 2:34 pm, 11/09/2009

Apple stuff is no longer virtually automatically immune ... Iphones were discovered with a virus in Australia. Nearly 40 million Iphones in service ... could spread fast ..



Posted 2:34 pm, 11/09/2009

I've heard of Wine, but I've also heard that Adobe Audition (what Cool Edit is called these days) doesn't run very well on it. That's a dealbreaker if true!


Posted 2:31 pm, 11/09/2009


Posted 2:29 pm, 11/09/2009

I love Ubuntu. The ease of installing and uninstalling programs is insane! I wish all my software worked on it. If so, I'd kiss Windows goodbye!


Posted 2:26 pm, 11/09/2009

Well windows is to computer operating systems that Democrats are to government. You pay a lot of money to both of them but they still don't work like they claim.


Posted 2:18 pm, 11/09/2009

Eight out of ten malware samples breeze right on past Windows 7's default User Account Control settings.


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