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Posted 9:13 am, 08/11/2009

I've got Ubuntu installed now. I am more of a production user and don't have the time to tinker with it. One day, maybe, but for now I'll stick with what I have. I have never had any problems with computers other than maybe a hard drive failure and the various little idiosyncrasies in the system. It usually means I have to restart the computer every couple of months. Right now there is no immediate need for me to try other systems.I do wish GoAshe would fix this whole right click mess that it has though.


Posted 11:26 pm, 08/08/2009

"Have you ever tried any of the linux systems? "

Most of my Linux experience is with Ubuntu and Red Hat. I've toyed a bit with others. I've also done some shell scripting in the past.

"It just didn't fit my needs, and the time needed to configure and operate it just isn't available to me. "

Certainly Linux isn't for everyone, so it may not fit your needs. Though I am curious what distribution(s) you tried, as I've found several versions to be very quick and easy to configure.


Posted 11:04 pm, 08/08/2009

I have tried linux. Personally, I didn't find much that interested me. That's not saying anything negative about it. It just didn't fit my needs, and the time needed to configure and operate it just isn't available to me.


Posted 9:21 pm, 08/08/2009

Have you ever tried any of the linux systems?


Posted 11:11 pm, 08/06/2009

Though Microsoft has long dismissed Linux as being no threat to their share of the home computer market, they are finally admitting their fears. Microsoft's recent annual filing with the SEC said this:

Client faces strong competition from well-established companies with differing approaches to the PC market. Competing commercial software products, including variants of Unix, are supplied by competitors such as Apple, Canonical, and Red Hat. Apple takes an integrated approach to the PC experience and has made inroads in share, particularly in the U.S. and in the consumer segment. The Linux operating system, which is also derived from Unix and is available without payment under a General Public License, has gained some acceptance, especially in emerging markets, as competitive pressures lead OEMs to reduce costs and new, lower-price PC form-factors gain adoption. Partners such as Hewlett-Packard and Intel have been actively working with alternative Linux-based operating systems.


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