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Sprint wireless card v. Charter High Speed

Big Joe

Posted 12:01 am, 10/14/2009

To check speed always use 2 or 3 sites for accuracy. I always use www.speakeasy.net and check thru Atlanta. Also, your internet speed is only as fast as your weakest link, so a cheaper router or a loaded computer can cause internet to be slower. My Charter is consistenly faster than anything else here.


Posted 10:43 am, 09/23/2009

Well ant flow, obviously i didn't read your whole post. That is blazing fast! My bad (for not reading the whole post). I got to the 4mbps down, 4mbps up, and thought "well that's not faster"...so off I went. Again, my bad. I apologize!

I'd love tos ee some of that here. Wimax (or whatever it's eventually called) that's fast AND available everywhere really will change everything (but only if there are no download caps!)


Posted 10:41 am, 09/23/2009

As I said ant flo, there is no wireless service as fast as cable. 4mbps down and 4mbps up is nowhere near as fast as what most cable companies offer. It's been a long, LONG time since I had anything as slow as 4 megs. Yes, that's blazing for wireless, but not for cable!

ant flo

Posted 1:31 am, 09/23/2009

" RadioGiant -
No wireless service at present is faster than cable "

Ah well, Theres no wireless Internet HERE that is as fast as cable... In other cities like Winston-salem, Charlotte, etc, there are already Wimax operators running. Currently, most of them are capped at around 4mbps down, 4mbps up. You can purchase uncapped plans that can get you around 70mbps down, 35mbps up while sitting still, or around 15mbps while in a car at 70mph.

You do have to live within 30 miles or so of the broadcast tower, and this would be a GREAT service out here if someone would bring it here. I think the closest we will see here for a long time will be a 4G network (which Wimax is really a subset of, just not offered typically by cellular companies). And if you want 4G, better head to sprint - Carolina West can't handle 3g properly, I doubt they are even looking at 4g yet.


Posted 1:13 am, 09/23/2009

No wireless service at present is faster than cable (which tends to be the very fastest high speed internet service). While I have lots of issues with Charter, when everything works right, it is lightning-fast. I shouldn't say this out loud, but my service is usually faster than I pay for (10 mbps down, 1 mbps up). Tonight it measured just short of 11 down and 1.2 up...measured at
I used their Charlotte NC test site.

A wireless card is about convenience. Cable internet is about rock-star performance!


Posted 9:50 am, 09/21/2009

1000k = 1m


Posted 9:49 am, 09/21/2009

What is the speed of your wireless card? The wireless cell cards were only something like 150kbps. The slowest service offered by Charter is 5000kbps.


Posted 9:00 am, 09/21/2009



Posted 4:04 pm, 09/03/2009

I have 20 mbs with charter , very fast


Posted 7:35 pm, 09/02/2009

Charter has 10 mbs for a price. Anything wireless will depend on the router, server, distance, and connectivity speed of the sender and receiver.


Posted 7:35 pm, 09/02/2009

Yes, smart, agree ... wired is faster than wireless ...but the difference is virtually imperceptible to the average user though


Posted 7:17 pm, 09/02/2009

the wireless card is always going to be slower, a wired connection to your computer from the router/modem will also increase your speed.


Posted 6:46 pm, 09/02/2009

I just recently gave up my Sprint broadband card after two years. Worked nicely and I live out by the lake. Gettin' my signal now from a wireless router on Charter ... can't feel much difference. The latter is free though ... makes it a no brainer.


Posted 6:39 pm, 09/02/2009

Can someone please tell me if the Sprint Wireless Card is as fast as Charter High Speed Internet? I can not understand how to convert, nor do I want to learn how to when one says Kb and the other Mb, etc.

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