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Sound card


Posted 11:55 am, 07/12/2014

Click on start button
Right click on computer, select properties
look at the left window click on device manager
look for sound icon It is a speaker

are there any yellow or read marks next to the speaker?

If so re install sound driver


Posted 5:06 pm, 07/11/2014

start...control panel...device manager ...sound open the sub menu then right click to check the properties it will tell you if your on-board sound or sound card is working


Posted 12:44 am, 07/11/2014

If it's the speakers then try another pair, or use the built in speaker that most cases come with to identify which one it is . If it's the sound card then no matter what you try it will not work, or be distored/choppy. I've seen it plenty of times, make sure the speaker is plugged into the green colored jack in the back of the case. Funny how easy of a mistake it is, but a common one at that. Is the sound card built into the motherboard, or are you using an external pci sound card?


Posted 11:54 pm, 07/10/2014

Is there a way to identify whether a sound card is working? How can one tell if it is the sound card and/or the computer speakers that are not working?


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