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Toshiro Mifune's Letter Opener

Posted 3:00 am, 01/11/2013

It will be like that for any college or university you go to. The IT departments there don't actually bring in a source of income, so a lot of times, they are put on the back burner as far as upgrading the software and hardware being used.

HTML5 is being set as the standard for coding on a lot of web pages, and a lot of schools are just now getting caught up to teaching HTML4.

How it is, how it always will be.


Posted 2:40 am, 01/11/2013

Something else I can tell you also. After working for a number of years in the computer market with only an Assoc degree and military experence I desided to go back to school for a higher degree. What I found in the colledge was equipment being used to teach students so old I had never actually seen then in use. Which means, the professors were so far behind in their knowledge I couldn't get anything usefull from them but a degree. Their information was useless in my field. So, being a professor in a community colledge teaching computer technology isn't saying very much.


Posted 2:31 am, 01/11/2013

You might be right Jason, I haven't been involved in this type of technology for a number of years and to be completly honest I really ain't much of a programer. I do however know a lot about how a PC and the internet works. Enought that I wasn't allowed to travel in eastern block countries with out direct promission. I know one other thing that might be around. I actually worked with it in the 70's. The government had the capibality to actually determine your phyical position remotely using the cable system. I don't know if they have applied it to the internet but they could have by now.


Posted 2:22 am, 01/11/2013

I removed several posts that were off topic and/or trolling.


Posted 2:20 am, 01/11/2013

Sameo, I'd say the info you've posted hasn't been accurate for at least 10 years. None of that is relevant today.


Posted 2:11 am, 01/11/2013

I can tell you more ways to get around a system then I can tell you how to protect it. I worked for a while for a group of people who was very paranoid about security. They would distroy $20,000.00 memory units because they were afraid some of their information might be left in it.


Posted 2:05 am, 01/11/2013

Proxy servers are good but they can be traced. At least traced to a known MAC ,IP addresses and PC ID#. If that happens to be your, they got you.

Toshiro Mifune's Letter Opener

Posted 2:05 am, 01/11/2013

Any firewall that is on a DOCSYS 2.0 or later modem should have that capability built into the firewall.

If you really want to stop anyone from getting inside your system, just block all wildcards in your hosts file lol


Posted 2:02 am, 01/11/2013

Now if you want to get into someone system you can use a newly created trogan with the capibility to record key strokes which will not be IDed by a virus program and piggy back it to an Email or something. Then use the trogen to remotily access the system and down load the key stroke information. Then its just a matter of getting passwords and any other ID's the system may use. Virus protection is good but it can only recognize known viruses.

Toshiro Mifune's Letter Opener

Posted 2:01 am, 01/11/2013

SameO..... running a proxy server will do the same thing if you use a host on your network. Only bad thing about cloning a MAC ID is if you try to access a network that actually goes past the third OSI layer.

Other than that, I use one for accessing my overseas seedbox. Carry on.


Posted 1:53 am, 01/11/2013

Oh, you mean safe from someone getting into your PC. It would take maybe 30 mins with that type of protection for someone who has the know how and equipment. If you want to keep people out of your PC then have a disconnect system. That's where an incoming address who want access to your information is cut off and redialed from a different PC. Even that is not 100% but safe for most uses.


Posted 1:49 am, 01/11/2013

It's called a ghost modem. It takes other peoples MAC addresses and will show up to a server like Jason's under someones else's name. The only thing that can connect you to your post is your PC's ID#. Every PC has one so the government can trace your activity. They say it is to trace terrorist activity.

Toshiro Mifune's Letter Opener

Posted 1:47 am, 01/11/2013

AES encryption with 256-bit key size is pretty **** close.


Posted 1:44 am, 01/11/2013

Nolthing is secure on the internet. The only way you can hide on the internet is to use someone else's account or a none existing account.

Toshiro Mifune's Letter Opener

Posted 1:41 am, 01/11/2013

My secure http is bigger than your secure http.


Posted 12:29 am, 01/11/2013

I've been speaking at seminars on internet security since 1997. You'll recall that I lived in Sarasota, FL for two years before moving back to Wilkes.


Posted 12:29 am, 01/11/2013

Yes we have already proven that.


Posted 12:21 am, 01/11/2013

Actually I could tell you what I know and no one could prove it was me. Cause it is imposible to id me. The real me, anyway.


Posted 12:13 am, 01/11/2013

If you really have had that kind of knowledge then you wouldn't be posting that on here or even bragging about it but continue your theory enlighten us all sameo I mean if you know so much and are able to freely say you had the clerance


Posted 12:10 am, 01/11/2013


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