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Removable storage problems


Posted 8:06 am, 02/14/2009

I don't think it is your card slot. Since you are using a expansion that would be my first guess. Try to find someone who has another computer with a card slot and try theirs. Make sure the card is in the expansion right. If it is a little lose then it may not be able to read.
If it is your computer slot you can buy a card reader that plugs into your USB drive. They are about $7 at Walmart or Radio Sack. IF your computer has dust in the slot then that could cause it not to make good contact. Still I think the problem is in you expansion.


Posted 5:45 am, 02/14/2009

should be able to find one at staples but expect a higher price


Posted 8:48 pm, 02/13/2009

It doesn't show up on there....is there something wrong with my slot is there anyway to replace it?


Posted 8:45 pm, 02/13/2009

I am trying to add songs to it to put it in my phone the card is a micro sd card with a card expansion.


Posted 7:55 am, 02/13/2009

What are you wanting to do? If you are wanting to look at pictures on your card then do this.
RIGHT click on your MY COMPUTER icon. then click Explore.
To the left you will see your hard drive, My documents and stuff like that. Find you SD card. Click on it and then to the right you will se all that is on it. At the tool bar at the top of your window click on the view icon to view thunbnails. IF you are looking at Pictures then you will be able to see all of them.


Posted 6:40 pm, 02/12/2009

Ok I put my SD card in the expansion slot and nothing happens....what can I do?

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