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recording cable television to dvd player

Big Joe

Posted 12:15 am, 09/15/2011

Are you sure the DVD player is also a recorder?


Posted 10:43 pm, 09/14/2011

Throw the DVD recorder away. Those things hardly ever worked, especially a cheap piece of crap like Sylvania. recording DVD's is a much more complex process than recording CD's. these stand alone recorders never caught on because of the complexity of them. And to try to explain a solution to you without exact model numbers of all components being used would be impossible.


Posted 6:48 pm, 09/12/2011

Are you using DVDRW's or just DVD -r It sounds like you need the right kind of DVDR media
there are DVD -r, DVD +r and DVDRW

Also if there are AV in or Coax in you need your source (what you like to record from) hook in there

then go out to TV


Posted 6:22 pm, 09/12/2011

I have an older model sanyo tv that has the basic audio video input in the back. I have a motorola DCT6146 III dvr box hooked to the tv and then a Sylvania progressive scan dvd player hooked into the back of the motorola cable box. To play dvds I have to hit the TV input button and go to aux. The dvd player has a recording option but I cannot figure out how to make it work. I tried it a couple of years ago and It says the discs are not formatted and also if it did work it would just record a blank screen since when on dvd nothing shows except if you have a dvd playing. How do I get it to record a program from my cable box? The motorola box has a red yellow and white cable plugs in the front and back. The dvd recorder is a sylvania that also has the red yellow and white cable plugs on the front. On the front on the DVD player it says RWI-R. Could I run audio, video cables from the front of each to record? I know the answer to how to do this is probably easy but I just don't know a lot about electronics.

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