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PS3 and NAT type 3


Posted 4:41 pm, 01/16/2012

DMZ that router or tell me it's public IP and login in and I'll forward the ports for you from here. You will have to set the PSP or Xbox for a static IP.


Posted 12:41 pm, 01/16/2012

Watch this it should help

Also a new router will not solve your issue as it will need to set up port fording as well


Posted 12:30 pm, 01/16/2012

Looks like a lot of people have this issue. You should be able to find a tutorial that fits your needs from one of the links at the top:



Posted 11:00 pm, 01/09/2012

Thanks douglas, but I already knew all of that. My problem is I either need figure out how to put my router into bridge mode or port forward the ports i need to open.

I've tried the port forwarding but it doesn't seem to have any effect on my NAT for the PS3. I did everything as instructed and my NAT is still 'strict'

It bums me out because I can't join games with my friends on MW3.

My router is a NETGEAR WRN1000v2 ....

Thinking about just buying a different router.


Posted 2:36 pm, 01/06/2012

Depends on your router, but most will have a settings menu you can access by pointing your browser to the router's address. For example, on a Linksys router, you can access the router options by going to You can also reset your router to factory defaults by holding the reset button (usually found on the back).


Posted 7:22 pm, 01/05/2012

Type 3 is too strict and I can't join private games.


Posted 7:21 pm, 01/05/2012

I can't figure out how to change my nat type 3 to type 1 or 2....

I'm router retarded, someone with knowledge help me?

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