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page to big for laptop screen


Posted 4:17 pm, 06/21/2011

Thank you both...I will check it out when I get home.

Forever Cynic

Posted 1:37 pm, 06/07/2011

Do you mean that you can't figure out how to close the page that's too big for the screen, or is every page now too big?

To close the page without using the X in the top, go to the page, then try pressing Alt+F4 on your keyboard.

If your whole screen is big, then it could be 1 of 3 things:

1. Your resolution is set too low.

2. Your browser is zoomed in.

3. Your default font size has been increased.

From your description, the most likely is that your browser is zoomed in. Different browsers have different methods to fix that, but you should be able to press Control+0 (hold in the Control key, then press the 0 key). This will go back to the default zoom.

If that doesn't work, post back and let us know.


Posted 1:34 pm, 06/07/2011

hold the Ctrl button and move your mouse wheel , or tap the + - key ( + for bigger - for smaller)


Posted 1:30 pm, 06/07/2011

My kids played a game on my laptop the other week and now when I pull up a page it is to big for screen...can only see a portion of it.

I know it's simple to get back to normal size....but I have looked and looked and tried and tried to get it back to normal.


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