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Outlook 2000 HELP??


Posted 11:51 pm, 12/20/2011

tin soldier

Posted 9:25 pm, 12/20/2011

I do not have a heading "Sort by Icon" Newer versions after Outlook 2000 may have this but 2000 does not. I have looked and looked thru everything I know and find nothing that has to do with original e-mail being deleted after clicking "reply and send" or "forward and send"

Still need help....


Posted 7:13 am, 12/19/2011

Ensure the view has not been set to "SORT BY ICON" The icon changes after a reply, no the read status.

tin soldier

Posted 9:09 pm, 12/18/2011

Thank Simple Ron,
Tried this but it was not checked.
It still does it and is very agitating.
I would have repleid sooner but pc crashed and just now have new hard drive working.
I click on reply to message, then type the reply and then click send.
I find the entire message in the sent box but it disappears from the inbox.
Any other suggestions?


Posted 6:15 am, 12/14/2011

Try this.

Under the view tab, "current view" - ensure "unread messages" isn't checked. If so, just click on "messages"

tin soldier

Posted 8:18 pm, 12/13/2011

Hi, Sure hope someone can help on this issue. I have Microsoft Office 2000 version and use Outlook for e-mail. For no reason yesterday this problem began. When I reply to an e-mail or forward an e-mail and then click send. It deletes the original e-mail. The original e-mail with my reply message shows up in the "sent items" folder but I no longer have the e-mail in the inbox.
I have searched for a fix on Google and Microsoft but apparently they do not now have anything listed for Office Outlook 2000. I had a local PC repair to come by today but he too has no clue.
Any ideas? Please?
Thanks for any helpful info.
I can check back here or send message to e-mail listed thanks again.

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