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old laptop, new wireless internet...HELP

just wondering 1

Posted 12:37 pm, 04/08/2009

Just a question since I experienced the same type problem with my laptop...what internet service are you using?? I had problems with connecting charter to mine....who worked on your laptop?? You can send me a pm...I'm just wanting to know if it was the same guy that offered to fix mine....


Posted 10:54 am, 04/08/2009

Ok, I may be missing something here, but if the wireless is set to WEP or WAP, you will have to enter the passcode to connect to the wireless. Just because you see the signal does not mean you are connected to it. You will need to hard wire into the wireless modem and log in, then go into the wireless settings and see if encryption is turned on. If so then you will need the security code. I think this is the part your needing....


Posted 8:09 am, 04/08/2009

How are you connected
should be Isp Modem to wireless router to desktop
if connected properly try the following in order>> and try after each item

turn isp modem and router off wait 1 min turn back on

try disableing your laptops antivirus and firewall

run Internet setup start>run>type in inetwiz and follow instructions

try moving network cable from desktop to laptop (if it works then the wireless is probably bad)


Posted 11:26 pm, 04/07/2009

It does have my network listed as connected. From my understanding, the problem lies in the actual internet explorer program for my laptop. I contacted the man who upgraded my laptop again. He feels the problem is in my main computer. If that were so, then why could my friend log on from her laptop at my home, but I could not. Then he informed me that he could not help me until after the 17th, because he is going on vacation. I think if you start to fix something, you should continue until its fixed.


Posted 2:12 pm, 04/04/2009

Try this. Go to Internet Exployer. then to tools - then to internet options. GO to the connection tab. Make sure the Never dial a connection is checked. Then At the bottom click on the Lan steeings. Make sure the Automatically detect setting box is checked.. Now try it and see what happens.
If it is still not working make sure that it is telling you that it is connected to your network. The lights and single strenght do not mean that it is connected. IT needs to have you network listed as connected to.


Posted 9:44 am, 04/04/2009

cant get e-mail either... I tired to get another page, (ie CNN) Same response. I went to internet options, and it does not show my connection. It keeps asking for a dial up connection. I don't want dial up, I want wireless.


Posted 8:00 am, 04/04/2009

Try checking your email, if that works the problem is with your browser, firewall or antivirus
If not the problem is most likely with network settings

Ant Flo

Posted 1:17 am, 04/04/2009

Have you tried browsing to a different page than the default home page? www.cnn.com for example?

Can you browse to ? If so, it should prompt you for an id/password. Just making it that far will let you know it is indeed connected to the router.


Posted 11:16 pm, 04/03/2009

I have an older model Viso, sony laptop. I recently had it upgraded with memory and added a wireless card. I also installed a wireless router on my home computer. I have a Dell PC with a Linksys by Cisco router. My laptop has a Netgear wireless card. OK, here is the problem. My netgear system shows that it has connected with my wireless rounter with a 93% signal and Ihave green lights. However, when I attemp to log onto Internet Explorer, I get this message that The page cannot be displayed and it instructs me to check my internet options. I tried to call the man who upgraded my laptop, but was informed he had out of town company for the week and weekend, and I needed to call him back later next week. I don't want to wait. Can someone help me now? I want to take this computer out of town with me on Thursday...I need help now. Thanks to anyone who is willing to help.

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