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New Computer


Posted 8:17 pm, 05/13/2010

If you would to talk about a new computer, I will be happy to help you. Call Express Computer Clinic at 973-0300. Thanks and have a great day!!


Posted 1:00 pm, 05/13/2010

Thanks for the information. Still looking !!!!


Posted 7:59 am, 05/12/2010

If you're not going to be doing any editing of high definition video, or huge uncompressed high-resolution photos (or multitrack audio mixing), then most any inexpensive desktop will do.

Models with 1 terabyte (a thousand gigabytes) of storage are relatively inexpensive. Any processor from an Athlon 64x2 up to the new Core i7 (quad core) should work just fine for routine work (that Core i7 being a much higher performance, and more expensive processor). Perhaps the best 'bang for buck" processor out there is the AMD Phenom Quad core processor...quad core performance on the cheap.

If you have children or grandchildren who will also use the computer, you might want to spend a little more, and buy a little more performance than you think you'll need, because some of the games they may play can take lots of horsepower to run.


Posted 2:19 pm, 05/11/2010

Thanks for the info. This will be a computer at home. Not a laptop.


Posted 12:04 pm, 05/11/2010

What do you want to do with your computer? If it's simply surf the internet, watch an occasional Youtube video, or listen to internet radio, then most any computer will do. And most any computer from five years ago would have done just as well.

If you want to edit high resolution photos, or high def video...or if you want to play graphics-intensive 3D games, then your "horsepower" needs grow exponentially.

Do you have a large library of music, and/or videos? If so, you'll need as large a hard drive as your budget allows.

And do you plan on using your computer only in one location at home, or do you plan on taking it from room to room, and place to place? The answer to that question will help determine whether you need a laptop or desktop. Desktops are cheaper for the same level of power and storage. But laptops take up far less space.

These are some questions you need to ask yourself before you can make an informed decision.


Posted 8:09 am, 05/11/2010

I'm thinking about getting a new computer. What do you suggest? There are some many features on computers now it's hard for me t decide. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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