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Posted 12:06 am, 11/13/2009

Thanks everyone for all your suggestions...I did end up having to take it to a pro...and yall were correct it was a worm that was slowly "eating" away everything..:(...but at least I have a working pc now...lost lots of pictures :( but that was my fault for not having them stored anywhere else :(...Anyway..thanks for all your help


Posted 6:12 pm, 11/10/2009

If you're still having a problem, go to http://www.download.com, and download a copy of "Hijack This". Run it, then click on "Scan" to have it scan your system.

After it's finished, click on "Save a Log" to copy everything into Notepad. Then, copy-and-paste the information here, or you can send it to me by PM if you want. I'll look through it and tell you what should be disabled.


Posted 9:07 pm, 11/08/2009

Sassy, if you do decide to go with the reinstallation of XP route, let me know first.


Posted 3:07 pm, 11/08/2009

Try control panel/add-remove programs/ Microsoft Internet Exporer and click the repair option. You should be able to restore your pc to an earlier date after this.


Posted 7:06 am, 11/08/2009

What you have is a worm not a virus. Avast only stops a virus. You get worms by clicking on ads or popup's. A worm is a program that is put into your system when you click on a pop up. It hides in a file you already have and that is why it is so hard to get rid of. If you could find what file it is in then you could delete it. That is the problem. You have 1000's of files it can hide in. First sign that this is a bad worm is that it disabled your system restore. The best way to get rid of this one is to reinstall windows. Even if you get your computer back working somewhat each time you restart the computer this worm will grow and get bigger. Find someone who has a Windows XP disk and reinstall. If you made a disk when your computer was new then this will also work.


Posted 4:01 pm, 11/07/2009

try this
boot to safe mode
run sfc /scannow (note the space between sfc and /
it will take a few minutes to complete
that should get rid of the dll error, then try the internet again


Posted 1:37 pm, 11/07/2009

Jason, I did that, still didnt work..:( , this is getting VERY frustrating....

When this problem first happen, that was the very first thing I did, was went into system restore..it would NOT let me go back to an earlier date..hmm makes me wonder if thats the entire problem right there..but if I can't connect to the internet..how in the world am I gonna get rid of this? I was running avast the entire time, if this is in fact a "worm" how did it get past it?


Posted 6:33 am, 11/07/2009

This is a worm. Try this. Go to programs then to Accessories and then to system and then system restore. Restore your computer back a couple of months. Note you will lose anything on your computer that you have saved since the time you restore it to. This should get rid of this worm. Note some worms do away with system restore so if your system restore isn't working that is why. You may need to do a full restore to get rid of this worm.


Posted 11:17 pm, 11/06/2009

Nothing comes up for that, either, so I'm still betting that it's a virus.

Go back to "msconfig", then go to the BOOT.INI tab. Put a check next to "/SAFEBOOT", then put a check next to "NETWORK" (to the right). Click on Apply, then OK, and this will reboot your computer in Safe mode.

Be forewarned, this is going to look terrible, and will move all of the icons around on your desktop, but it loads the absolute minimum of drivers possible.

While in Safe mode, and you now go online? If so, then it's definitely a virus, and you should take advantage of this mode to go to http://www.download.com and download an updated antivirus program, as well as Ad Aware, and do a complete scan with both. Then when you're finished, reboot back into Normal mode, and see if you can now go online.


Posted 10:32 pm, 11/06/2009

oops that didnt work :( . Im at a loss :(


Posted 10:19 pm, 11/06/2009

I did have a typo in that error msg it actually states
"vyshkwoi.dll" I had an s in there that didnt belong...I have borrowed my mom ' s lap top and am tryin' to work on it tonight...I have went in deleted anything that referenced the DLL's in the start up and have restarted,waiting for it to come back up now keeping my fingers crossed ;)


Posted 3:31 pm, 11/06/2009

If what you posted is actually correct, then it's more than likely a virus. A lot of viruses create random names so that they're harder to find and remove.

If that's the case, then it can definitely keep you from going online. Most viruses try to transmit some sort of information to the originator of the virus, so they can easily tie up your internet port and keep you from doing anything else.

An easy fix might be to go to Start > Run, and type in "msconfig". Go to the tab that says "Startup", and uncheck anything that references this DLL. Click on Apply, then OK, then restart the computer.

When it comes back it, it will give you some sort of warning (I forget what it says). Just check the box that says to not give that warning again, then click on OK and try going online.

If that works, then keep in mind that it doesn't remove the virus, it just keeps it from running when you start the computer. So this might be a permanent fix, or the virus might start back on its own after a preset period of time. If that's the case, let us know and we'll walk you through removing it.


Posted 8:48 am, 11/06/2009

Just a "wondering" question..would this kinda error, effect whether or not I could connect to the internet? I was just googling RunDLL errors and didnt see how that could effect that..so Im thinking I have more than just this error going on maybe????


Posted 8:27 am, 11/06/2009

Okay, I'll have to do that tonight..I did just jot it down rather quickly..so I could have made a mistake ...

Ant Flo

Posted 12:20 am, 11/06/2009

Can you double check the spelling of the .dll file? Normally I wouldn't ask, but I can't find anything on what you provided, and there is at least one other typo in the error you gave...


Posted 11:33 pm, 11/05/2009

Im thinking its just time for a new pc :(

Now I'm getting an error msg...

"Error loading C:\Windows\systems32\vsyshkwoi.dll the specified module could not be found"

Tonight I could not connect to the internet on that pc at all..had to pull out my ancient one again..:( ...so this thing is moving at a snail's pace..and driving me nuts :(...Any ideas??

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