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Need to retrieve E-mail sent me


Posted 2:47 pm, 05/12/2010

After trying all your directions and coming up empty handed, I got into Outlook's trouble shooting and it seems that after message is deleted from inbox and goes into Trash --and then all TRASH is deleted ---IT"S GONE FOREVER!!!! Once it leaves trash... kiss it good-bye---at least that's the way I read it. Thanks for trying to help me. It was really no big deal--just message I liked...


Posted 4:58 pm, 05/11/2010

1) Open outlook express, or outlook

2) Place mouse pointer on "Inbox"

A menu will drop down, from that menu select "Deleted Items"

3) Select the file you want to restore and right click on it

A menu will drop down, from that menu select "Move to Folder"

4) Select the "Inbox" folder, your file will be moved to the inbox


To restore a deleted message, open the Deleted Items folder, and then drag the message back to the Inbox or other folder.


Posted 4:38 pm, 05/11/2010

I'm computer illiterate---but trying! I don't understand your response so will you be kind enough to explain it further...I surely would appreciate it!


Posted 8:15 pm, 05/10/2010

If you are using microsoft outlook or outlook express go to deleted files (a drop down from inbox) and copy it back to inbox


Posted 5:30 pm, 05/10/2010

Is there any way to retrieve an e-mail which I sent to trash within past seven to ten days? (Did it accidently when I was making deletions!)---

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