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Posted 5:55 am, 01/27/2014

I know that you and I discussed this by Private Message, but I wanted to post this for anyone else reading this later.

MacKeeper is a program you would buy; it's not something you would get from a virus or anything like that. The only way that this would have been on your computer would be if you had clicked on a link that took you to their page, you downloaded the program, and then installed it.

Unlike a lot of programs, though, their install process is just one-click, so it's possible to have done this without realizing it. I don't think it's very likely, but still... possible.

Either way, the program has had pretty negative reviews online, so I wouldn't recommend downloading it unless absolutely necessary. There are plenty of free programs available (even for Mac) that would likely work just as well.


Posted 4:08 pm, 01/25/2014

MacKeeper is an evil thing and not fun to eradicate. For Mac users beware! I think I picked up this viewing some posts on here - maybe not. Youtube may have been the culprit.

All out there just be careful. This is the first time I have ever had problems with this computer. MacKeeper is not my friend!

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