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Mac vs. PC


Posted 10:47 pm, 08/17/2009

That question is a loaded gun. :)

I will say that Mac is a beautiful and relatively safe (against virus and spyware) OS. It is VERY media driven.

As wilkesman2 said, I have also heard from Mac users that "once you use Mac, you'll never go back". And, you will either love it, or hate it...pretty much no in between.

Hope you enjoy your new purchase, and give us an update of the positives and negatives of it.


Posted 4:13 pm, 08/17/2009

Most people that use a Mac want to stick with the Mac. I have used both but I like that more programs are made for the PC but that has become less and less true over the past few years, but I think will stick with the PC a few more years.


Posted 10:26 am, 08/17/2009

I just purchased a Macbook Pro 13 inch laptop and trying to get used to
using it. This is my first Mac and I love it so far. Just wondering what everyones opinion was on which they like better and why.

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