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laptop/virus or what is wrong....


Posted 12:52 pm, 04/17/2009

try adjusting the touch pad options in Control Panel and see if there's a Mouse setting tab called "Tapping" and if there's a check box that says "Disable while typing."

just wondering 1

Posted 12:27 pm, 04/17/2009

just wondering if anyone can tell me what this means....I purchased a laptop in Nov. I have posted before about not being able to get on the internet through charter but just recently I have begun to notice that when I am typing a paper I will be typing and then I notice that all of a sudden that I am typing somewhere else on my document that I wasn't suppose to be at. Its like the cursor jumps around and and then I have to go back and delete what I was typing and then correct my paper. I can type and I am not pressing enter etc its like it has a mind of its own...could this be a virus or what is wrong???

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