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Just Making Parents Aware of This....


Posted 7:29 pm, 04/06/2014

Who are the Parents now? Or is that too invasive


Posted 6:40 pm, 04/06/2014

Yes and no. The topic of the original thread was how to discreetly track an iPhone and potentially read their text messages without their knowledge or consent.

Your thread was how to prevent this "feature". So the topic was the same; the only difference was the intent.

Interestingly, the same information posted by the OP could be used for MUCH more dangerous purposes (eg, a psycho tracking his/her ex), and your (Fins) information could be taken as increasing security.


Posted 5:46 pm, 04/06/2014

Ah come on Jason, that's not right. My thread was an entirely different topic. This thread is for over bearing parents that want to coddle their kids. My thread was to teach kids how to not get caught.


Posted 5:30 pm, 04/06/2014

Here are step by step instructions on how to remove your phone from find my phone tracking



Posted 5:26 pm, 04/06/2014

All the brats need is a bb gun and some cans. F technology.


Posted 5:08 pm, 04/06/2014

Works just the same on spouses, BTW!


Posted 12:27 pm, 04/06/2014

Someone get emp a Valium and put her back in bed. She's having paranoid ramblings again.

Everyone of you grew up without tracking devices. Let your kids have some responsibility and freedom so they don't end up as dependent deadbeats that are living in your basement when they are 40


Posted 11:48 am, 04/06/2014

Obama is not my momma!

Twinkle Toes 97

Posted 11:43 am, 04/06/2014

Well, it's also on a more reasonable scale. Most parents but the phone and foot the bill, so we have right to knowledge.


Posted 11:38 am, 04/06/2014

Kind of like Obama does with the NSA on U.S. Citizens but on a smaller scale .

Twinkle Toes 97

Posted 11:31 am, 04/06/2014

Exactly, Hippie. That's what I'm saying. I like to use it when I know my kid is driving or is on their way home. Instead of texting, "Where are you at?" And disturbing them while they're driving, I can just find their iPhone instead and see their progress in coming home.


Posted 11:24 am, 04/06/2014

I'm not real sure I like the idea of placing a tracking device on my child. Part of me loves the idea. The other part not so much.
He only has a dumb phone now that does have the capabilities because he is so young and there are so many lunatics out there willing to abduct young children.
Hopefully, as he grows older, and ventures out I will not feel the need to track his every move.


Posted 11:17 am, 04/06/2014

Wait a minute here. Parents should know where their kids are. Teens may not be mature enough (although they think they are) to put out there in the world on their own just yet.

Drug dealers are looking for those who may not be mature enough yet or are not strong enough to make their own decisions so they can hopefully get them hooked, making a nice little supply of money coming in for them later down the road. They could care less if that young person lives or dies. Please don't put this crap on here or are you one of the dealers? Drug dealers remind me of buzzards or hawks who look for the weak, the defenseless to prey on. In other words LEAVE OUR CHILDREN ALONE!


Posted 10:59 am, 04/06/2014

Lol! I use this feature if I find my iPad missing and can't get an answer from my precious little angel. I like to add sweet little messages like "Find something else to do. Love Mom" or "You better hope your room is clean!"
And sure enough, a moment later, I hear feet hit the floor. Or I hear, "MOOOMMM!!!"



Posted 8:42 am, 04/06/2014

even with this feature, I'm giving my Iphone back to mom and dad....


Posted 6:58 am, 04/06/2014

If the parents bought it then they have that right. It might help save a lot of trouble or even save a life if the parents had a little bit of control of what their teens are doing and where they are. Just my opinion.


Posted 6:53 am, 04/06/2014

He wants them all to come to his house and drink with him. If the phones are disabled then the parents won't be able to find them.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 2:51 am, 04/06/2014

I thought it was cool...lol.


Posted 2:48 am, 04/06/2014

Shut up fins. You don't have to tell everything you know, lol.

Twinkle Toes 97

Posted 1:22 am, 04/06/2014

No kidding. But being that it's under parents watch they would be disciplined if it were to be turned off!

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