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ISP Traffic shaping


Posted 7:48 pm, 04/05/2011

I use torrents a few times a month, usually for minutes at a time. Maybe you use it many long hours?

ant flo

Posted 11:46 pm, 04/02/2011

Maybe it's just you? Im getting full speed from both torrents AND nntp traffic in practice - but not from the test site you listed...


Posted 10:58 pm, 04/01/2011

they are defiantly throttling NTTP to 20 k Torrents avg 1.0 /sec the new servers should be 300 to 1.5 per sec on NTTP So much for unlimited internet considering NTTP servers account for 1/3rd of the entire internet.


Posted 7:43 am, 04/01/2011

I downloaded some torrents using Azureus last night, and got a 1.6mbps download speed for most of one, and about 800kbps on the other. Maybe Charter's not doing it through their entire system?

I can download an hour-long video in about 6 minutes. I'm not complaining!


Posted 12:39 pm, 03/27/2011

The FCC's previous ruling was supposed to make such actions illegal. I guess Charter failed to get the memo.


Posted 4:04 pm, 03/25/2011

ya I have misgivings about any pay service. In the past once a pay service is sized they almost always turn over there financial records with out delay or warring to the subscribers. Most claim some form of OFF SHORE bla bla

ant flo

Posted 10:06 am, 03/25/2011

...yep. I've moved over to NNTP on non-standard ssl ports - so far, good luck with it for the last 6 months.


Posted 8:54 pm, 03/24/2011

So I ran the Glasnost test, looks like charter is limiting bandwith to torrent ports to 1 m/sec


Any one using another ISP care to share your results?

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