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Is Limewire still the music acquisition of Choice?


Posted 3:25 pm, 12/22/2010

Spoken like a musician who's never had a recording that made money! Produce something people want to hear en-masse, then see how you feel when some teenager is letting his bit-torrent client run around the clock giving your hard work away.

But if you have looney-tunes ideas about copyrights, and they're for your own work, that's cool. But you don't get to decide to simply ignore copyright-law and steal the work of others. NOT cool.


Posted 1:51 am, 12/22/2010

my apologies for my previous post. i'm used to speaking on forums that defy the sense of law and authority. granted i'm glad most laws are in place and i do have respect for them, but being a musician myself, i would never allow any music i produce or obtain to be controlled by copyright or by any label authority for that matter. however, i will from now on remember to leave my anarchist ways at the door and wipe my feet before speaking my mind and trying to help on a thread that probably shouldn't even exist in the first place if my post is going to be censored.


Posted 8:16 pm, 12/19/2010

If the networks had a brain, they'd release their shows AS TORRENTS, complete with ads...and do it in such a big way that their LEGAL torrents overwhelmed the amateur seeders. DUH! Seems like a no-brainer! Give people what they want...shows they can download, take with them, whatever, and piggyback your ads onto that. Like the record industry, they should have been in this space FIRST.

Take a look at how people want to use your content, then find a business model that lets them do just that, and makes you money! DUH!

Ant Flo

Posted 2:31 pm, 12/19/2010

Last week I received my second DMCA knock down notice from Charter, thanks to the NBC watchdogs, for a torrent of The Office that I let run overnight since I was an early seeder. I run peerblock.

Ive since shutdown my torrent clients, and switched exclusively to NZBs running SSL connections.


Posted 11:48 pm, 12/18/2010

well there is some truth to that. But if your are user with a brain and an AV you will not have those troubles. Here is my big thing, information is just that. What some one chooses to do with it is a completely different issue.
The freedom is in the fact that what ever "it is" your looking for is available and is in fact by you have the a choice is the freedom.

I think I will take a poll that may piss a lot of people off


Posted 1:39 am, 12/18/2010

Peer to peer sharing software like Limeware IS still the virus, trojan, and worm acquisition method of choice. In fact, if you use it regularly, you're sure to become infected. A substantial percentage of what poses as songs and "cracked" software is actually malware. Getting a virus or trojan that can zap your computer while attempting to steal from someone else. Sounds about right!


Posted 2:22 pm, 12/17/2010

actually FINS its called word play and I was attempting to illustrate my point of Radio's antiquated view point.

From Form,
Peer, sighted ect.. Thanks for noticing thou the intention may have been lost

Meat guy has some brass ones I not sure I would have given that much detail open to the forum
But here is a key with peer to peer
You can DL the tracker to your HDD form any where.
Before loading it in to you torrent program
Start peer block
it is free and works awesome.

In fact I would recommend Peer block for day to day use.

Other people are always looking at your IP weather you want them too or not.
Torrents and P2P are not illegal thou the content my be in question, it is not a crime
IRC and NTTP servers remain out of sight out of mind.

Have a good week end


Posted 7:27 am, 12/17/2010

You've just given instructions on how to steal copyrighted material. That's got to be a TOS violation of any site that hopes to remain up and running!


Posted 11:05 pm, 12/16/2010

heres a big secret that i cant believe everyone hasnt noticed yet.

if you know what artist you want, type "[ARTIST NAME] site:****.com" in google.

you can change the .com if you know of any other popular file upload sites. i use **** because its the most effective for me.

you can substitute the artist name with the album name or the song name or a combination of the three.

this works for cracked software as well. if someone out there on the internet put it up for any reason, you can usually find it. no waiting, no programs to download, nothing. just music.

please dont use torrent programs and p2p programs like limewire or frostwire. you will get caught using these sooner or later. when downloading from sites like ****, you arent the one that gets in trouble if anyone finds out, the person who originally uploaded it is.


Posted 4:27 pm, 12/16/2010

I have no affection for large corporatiions (or dislike for them, either. They're neither good, nor bad. Made up of people, they're a mix of both...like the people who run them and work for).

My affection is for MUSIC, and the people who make it. If there's no music that speaks to you, that you can't live without, then I truly feel sorry for you. I'd be a poorer man had I never heard Joni Mitchel, The Beatles, Elvis, Sinatra, Jim Morrison, Patty Loveless, Al Hirt, Janis Ian, Bob Dylan, Don Williams, Fleetwood Mac, and almost everyone who ever recorded for Motown and Stax!

Music is central to my life...a constant companion through life. I'm happy to pay those who sell it, and especially the performers and writers who make it. There's almost no time when I'm not listening to music...even if it's just in my head.


Posted 3:15 pm, 12/16/2010

music radio tv, play little to know part in my day to day life. Show me anything form the entrainment world that I cant live with out and I will consider your antiquated view a little more seriously. Getting emotional about a large faceless conglomerate extorting cash form impressionable teens is sickening.

But hey drive 55 always wear a seat belt don't smoke and most of all shut up and due as your told because someone else knows whats best for you.

One a side note plenty of my research has been used in peer reviewed articles over the years, it was an honor too be sighted not a crime.


Posted 2:32 pm, 12/16/2010

Who exactly do you think the musicians you claim to enjoy get their money from for CD sales?

Uh...you go into a store, buy a CD, put it in your stereo, and the music on the cd is EXACTLY what was represented, and EXACTLY what you paid for. How exactly is that a "scam"?

If you mean that the recording industry screws artists, well there is probably some truth to that...that they look for ways to pay artists less than they should. But you sure don't help the situation by stealing the work, guaranteeing the artists are paid NOTHING AT ALL!

If there's justice in the world, you'll one day know what it's like to have a copyrighted work of yours distributed to the world for free.


Posted 9:07 am, 12/16/2010

Screw the recording industry. They are nothing but fakes liars and scam artist

Under net
#MP3 Passion


Posted 2:37 pm, 12/13/2010

If you love music, how about supporting the people who make it! Imagine you make widgets that are sold in stores. Your widgets are very popular, but you discover that some people are simply stealing them off the truck before they reach the stores, and giving them away. That's EXACTLY what you're doing if you use Limewire for "music acquisition".

The "music acquisition" method of choices is to buy your freaking music! There are many millions of songs available legally through Itunes, Rhapsody, Napster (now a legal service owned by Best Buy), E-Music, and if you're an audiophile, places like HD Tracks. I buy music online from three of those pretty regularly...HD Tracks, Rhapsody, and Amazon. All offer high-quality, unencrypted tracks.

No excuses. Do the right thing!

Daddy P

Posted 1:37 am, 12/13/2010

I don't know enough about computers to risk using something like limeware. It's to risky to me. You can buy music at Walmart and also emusic.com. Emusic doesn't have a great selection.


Posted 1:19 am, 12/13/2010

Use AMAZON or iTunes to BUY your music, respect the artist, please.

Razor Ramone

Posted 9:41 pm, 12/12/2010



Posted 9:41 pm, 12/12/2010

Frostwire is still up and running, make sure you have a good virus software before you start.

Smilin' Bob =)

Posted 9:38 pm, 12/12/2010

so what is the one of choice now


Posted 9:36 pm, 12/12/2010

Google is your friend

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