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Internet Explorer Problems


Posted 1:45 am, 02/03/2013

Thank you guys for all your help and comments. I think I have the situation fixed now. Like all of you said I am not going to give Internet Explorer or Cable Internet any high marks until they get their crapola together and quit being so slow and giving so many errors when I'm surfing the web.


Posted 1:09 am, 02/03/2013

sooooo, that's what is wrong with my pc., and you are right EJ88. my facebook would'nt load, youtube would play a video and then just stop. no it is not a pc problem. it is a charter internet problem. thanks EJ......i'm going to call them monday and let er rip......LOL my internet is $50.00 a month, that don't include cable.....they may come up with some lame excuse too......i got news for them and the whitehouse.....THERE'S MORE OF US THAN THEY ARE OF THEM......just saying....


Posted 8:36 pm, 02/02/2013

Candystripe, the server load on GoWilkes has been normal, and no one has reported any issues, so I don't think there's a problem on our end.

It is possible, however, that you have a virus that's specifically targeting the path your computer takes from your local network to ours. This isn't uncommon, so you may want to scan your computer for viruses and spyware, just to be safe.

I have had a couple of website hosting clients to report a problem recently, and it turned out that their internet service was redirecting them from an AT&T server to Romania, then back to the US. I haven't figured out if that's something with AT&T or a virus on their end, but it's a pretty big coincidence that two unrelated clients had the exact same problem.

Regardless, the first step is to scan your computer for viruses and spyware. If that doesn't help, you may also want to download Google Chrome as an alternate browser (which, from my experience, is much faster and more stable than either Internet Explorer or Firefox; it's what I use 99% of the time).

If that doesn't help, the problem is most likely hardware related. If that's the case, reply back and I'll guide you on how to track your connection and find where the breakdown is happening.


Posted 8:08 pm, 02/02/2013

Could just be GW? I had problems on here the last two days as well. Other sites seem to be working just fine and quick as can be.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 8:00 pm, 02/02/2013

i am not sure that it's just charter, but it's the internet itself. mine was so slow, i switched cell phone over to hotspot ... that connection was also miserably slow. google wouldn't load. and messaging has been slow to send.


Posted 7:56 pm, 02/02/2013

Could be charter, my internet had been slower than nornal in the past couple days and I get constant server errors.


Posted 7:05 pm, 02/02/2013

I agree with small town. With all of the problems associated with I explorer, you should begin using Firefox. Much more reliable and safer.

Dark Matter

Posted 6:57 pm, 02/02/2013

Note from GoWilkes: this post was removed for vulgarity, as were a few replies to it.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 6:52 pm, 02/02/2013

i was having problems with google this morning. seems good now

george h w b

Posted 6:01 pm, 02/02/2013

You must be using Windows 7. It is the most crappiest browser on Windows 7. Works just fine on my PC running Vista.


Posted 5:18 pm, 02/02/2013

I was having some issues with anything dealing with google a few mins ago.. chrome is working but google search was not


Posted 5:15 pm, 02/02/2013

"Internet Exployer slower than crap doing everything."

That's not a problem.

That's an undocumented feature.


Posted 5:15 pm, 02/02/2013

Internet Explorer is ALWAYS slower than anything! Why not sownload the latest version of Firefox?


Posted 5:14 pm, 02/02/2013

Have checked for an update on your Computer??


Posted 5:13 pm, 02/02/2013

Has anyone else been having trouble with their Charter Internet Box losing contact with the internet, and Internet Exployer slower than crap doing everything.

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