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I need some help with HTML. Could you please check and tell me why some images don't show up?


Posted 11:52 pm, 01/05/2010

Check the permissions on folder /savingthe70sindex_files/

Is it set to 0755? 0666? Try 0666 or 'world readable'.


Posted 4:09 pm, 01/05/2010

Some of the files are jpg, others are gif. I need to check and see if it's a particular file type that Opera's not seeing.


Posted 4:06 pm, 01/05/2010

Hmmm. None of the images that are failing to show up have those file names. I generally name image files by what they show. A photo of George, I'd probably call "george.gif", so I could tell at a glance what it was.

I guess I need to start over, and recreate the page. What program do you recommend that is simple to learn? I'm using an older copy of PageBreeze.

Do you thiink that it would look better if the station logos rotated from one to the next, rather than just sitting there, stationary?

Audio's my thing...not web design!


Posted 3:32 pm, 01/05/2010

Not Found
The requested URL /savingthe70sindex_files/image034.gif was not found on this server.

image035 - image038 are also missing.

Forget to upload the images? Filename wrong? Extension type wrong?


Posted 12:53 pm, 01/05/2010

I've always been my own webmaster, because I'm too stubborn to pay anyone. But at the website for my radio show, all the images (affiliate station logos) show up on Internet Explorer, but some of them just don't in Opera, or some other browsers.

Could you please take alook at the HTML on my show's main page, and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Here's the link

Also, if you could suggest a simple way to give the site more "pizzaz", I would appreciate it. I'm a radio man...not very visually oriented.

Help, please!

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