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home internet


Posted 8:40 pm, 06/28/2013

Go here to read up on it. It will provide a lot of detail for you. Pretty much for one example is something that Verizon Wireless offers. It's called a jetpack, and it's just a little box that your laptop recognizes as a wireless internet connection. The box get's assigned a phone number and you activate it on Verizon's network, pretty much like a cell phone would be, but it's a hotspot instead. Once all setup, it just shows up as a regular wireless ssid would, and you connect and your off and running. One of my favorites about it is that you don;t have to use their towers to run it, only to activate it, so once activated, you can run off of anyone's towers and receive signal and convert that to bandwidth, just like a cellphone.



Posted 9:38 pm, 06/27/2013

Could someone explain a wi-fi hotspot?

Cpt. Crazy™

Posted 12:16 am, 06/26/2013

Here's the problem I have with this whole thread:

What do you want? Speed? Reliability? or just plain cheap?

Are you wanting to have it wireless in your house, cause that changes things?

Why have other people research something that you may not agree with them about?

If you are looking for just plain cheap home internet... go get one of the dial-up / low cost 256 kb/s providers.
However if you plan on running wireless in your home, you're not only at paying between $50 & $100 for a router, but you will also need to pay more for a good provider.

Simply asking in a tech forum what kind of internet provider you need pretty much is like building a house with no walls.

grand am

Posted 12:45 am, 06/25/2013

I don't know where you live but I bought a Virgin Mobile USB BroadBand2Go, and a Card like you would buy time for your cell phone, which first go around I bought the 55.00 card which gave me 5 GB of Data, and I Bought this on 5/29/13 and have not even used 1 GB as of yet, so I screwed myself on airtime! I paid 49.99 for the USB Broadband2GO Device, and it is transferable to anyone, you just buy your cards each month, what you don't use you lose. so you could buy a $20.00 Card and if you needed more data than that buy more, you would just have to figure out how much data you would end up using each month.

The lady at Radio Shack doesn't know her arse from a hill of beans cause I kept saying thats dial up and she said no its broadband and I said no its dial up and she kept saying I was wrong well she was wrong it is dial-up but yes still broadband too, so go figure that one out?
Only thing I live down on Edgewood Rd. and I have Virgin Mobile Cell Service where I paid $40.00 a month for unlimited talk text and web but my talk (voice) service here at my house sucks! But I can go up the road just a bit and it is killer and most every where else I have no problems at all, now when I do talk on the phone at the house I have to lay my phone on my kitchen bar and turn on the speaker and its no problem, I can deal with that, for 40.00 a month no contract, because I text more than anything over 2500 text a month.
Now I pay to use my neighbors internet so I don't use this stick internet, so if your interested in trying it before the 29th of this mth text me and you can try mine and if it works I'll sale you mine if your interested and then you can just buy you airtime at any run-in or walmart or radio shack or dollar general. Just pm me if you want to give it a shot!


Posted 11:58 am, 04/16/2013

If you want to save some money on broadband, it really pays to shop around.

Here are some tips:

 Generally, DSL is cheaper than cable Internet services — usually $10 or
$15 a month cheaper (although in some areas, cable companies are lowering
their prices to compete).

 Look for promotional pricing — often half off or more for the first six
months or a year. This lets you try broadband without breaking the bank.

 Look for a broadband provider who gives away the “modem” for the service
for free — so you don’t have to put any up-front money into the service.
Similarly, look for free “self-install” packages — no sense paying them
money to “flip a switch” in their office.

 Consider a bundled service — most cable and phone companies give
you significant discounts if you also buy TV, local, and long distance
phone services (or even mobile phone services) from them at the same
time. With a bundle like this, you can get your broadband bill down to
$30 or so a month — and get discounts on the other service to boot!


Posted 7:47 pm, 04/15/2013

I have the same problem, my Samsung galaxy s from bark won't let my ipod connect. Nobody comes out here but i might check on.Dish network internet. Has anybody here had experience with that?


Posted 1:24 pm, 04/15/2013

Butterflyfo does CCW limit the number if devices that can connect through the Wi-Fi Hotspot $15 deal?


Posted 12:48 pm, 04/15/2013

I found Broadband service to be the most reliable service for the money, I know that Charter had a basic package for $20 + $5 modem rental and an optional wire maintenance plan. Not sure what Embark has to offer. I moved somewhere where there was no cable or DSL available, and Version has a box that may work instead of going satellite. I tried the air card and it would not even connect anywhere, its a joke... You just need to check with each service provider to see which services are available and if they are suitable for your needs within your budget.

I have internet and VOIP telephone on the cable line. It did not work at first until the technician got the noids fixed on their pole.


Posted 12:08 pm, 04/15/2013

Butterflyfo. I have carolina west air card. It was so slow and froze up all the time. I hope it's better. It's been over 3 years ago since I had it with carolina west.


Posted 9:25 am, 04/15/2013

Well there you go, wireless internet over your smart phone for $15 a month. Just don't watch too many uncompressed HD videos.


Posted 9:20 am, 04/15/2013

Carolina west charges 15 dollars a month for the hot spot and they slow down your connection after 5g.


Posted 8:09 am, 04/15/2013

Look into finding another source of income. Drug distribution is a past time around these parts. Check into that.


Posted 8:05 am, 04/15/2013

I have charter I paid $55 a month I have not had a problem with them. I think it's too high. Thinking about calling century link checking out there prices.


Posted 11:04 pm, 04/14/2013

I connected to my phones wi-fi no problem but the internet was not available. I bet it would be if I paid Carolina West a tethering fee.


Posted 9:53 pm, 04/14/2013



Posted 9:14 pm, 04/14/2013

Don't go to charter


Posted 9:08 pm, 04/14/2013

Charter Internet (only) service.


Posted 8:58 pm, 04/14/2013

Try CenturyLink. No home phone required. $29.95 month.


Posted 8:55 pm, 04/14/2013

I just purchased the phone 2 weeks ago and its not a samsung galaxy and I have an unlimited prepaid plan. I don't know what that would matter I mean either way I'm paying for my service I guess that's just there way of stickin it to ya huh


Posted 6:42 pm, 04/14/2013

If you have a Samsung Galaxy phone it should be able to act as a Wi-Fi hotspot if you have a data plan.

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