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GW Pop ups


Posted 12:25 pm, 02/19/2011

Thanks ... I thought I had tried that but evidentally, I had not ...that fixed it ... I appreciate all you do ...


Posted 8:37 pm, 02/17/2011

The system checks to see if your screen width is over 800px, but your browser width is less than 800px. If it is, then it gives you the pop up to let you choose to go to low res.

Without a little more information, my guess is that your browser width is now slightly higher than 800. Even if you only increased it to 801, you would no longer get the pop-up.

If you don't have your browser maximized, try shrinking the width just a little more, then refresh the page and see if you get the pop up question.

If not, let me know and I'll send you a PM with a link to a page that will show us whether the information is being stored correctly.


Posted 11:14 pm, 02/16/2011

A few months ago, when I logged on to Go Wilkes, I would get a pop up asking if I wanted to use my low resolution browser (or something like that) and I would click on YES and all would be well ... the advertising pop ups would be gone and I could read the posts .... Now, I do not get the pop up that asks the question and a lot of the posting information is covered up by advertising blocks ... what do I need to do? Thanks for any help you can give me!

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