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free internet access


Posted 11:22 am, 12/23/2009

Walmart does not have the AOL disk anymore. They do have Walmart internet service disk which uses AOL systems.There is no Free Dial up services. IF you have Wilkes Telephone service then you can get DSL from them.You can get AOL service by going to AOL.com and Downloading there software. AOL charges by the month. I think you can get it now for $9.95. Dialup is really slow. I would check on the Wilkes DSL first. It is not that high if you already have Phone service from them.


Posted 7:35 am, 12/23/2009

stop at walmart pick up an AOL 90 day free trial disk(they are free) in the electronics section ... they (AOL) suck, their service (AOL)sucks,
it will take you several hours talking to someone( a Tech in India) to cancel the free service (be prepared to cuss them).. but it will be free :(


Posted 12:38 am, 12/23/2009

my family lives in ferguson. I am sure there is no dsl or cable access. Is there free dial up connect I can use for a couple days where the service provider will not charge per minute?

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