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Format and Install Linnux


Posted 2:09 am, 10/16/2009

Jason pretty much nailed it. Download, burn and go.

Just be sure to try the LiveCD option before installing to make sure all the hardware is compatible.

Feel free to PM me if you have Linux questions.


Posted 8:47 pm, 10/15/2009

Here's a decent article on how to format your hard drive:


If I were you, though, then I would just replace the hard drive entirely. These are fairly cheap these days; you can get a 40G hard drive for a few dollars, and that's more than enough for most people. Then, you can hook up your old hard drive as a secondary, and not have to worry about losing any of the data.

Download the Linux version that you want, burn it to a CD, then it should just be a matter of putting it in your CD Rom and turning on the computer. The setup program will walk you through the steps.


Posted 5:12 pm, 10/15/2009


Posted 2:20 pm, 10/15/2009

I have a laptop that is password protected and no one knows the password. I would like to format it and try using Linnux as an OS. Can anyone direct me on how to format and where I can get a copy of Linnux operating system? I currently use Vista; but, I have heard such great things about Linnux that I would like to try.

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