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Posted 10:23 pm, 08/14/2014

Pages won't load /comes up error codes/Do you or do you not know how to fix it


Posted 10:23 pm, 08/14/2014

Glitter, it looks like you have a few filters against your account due to some earlier trolling. These filters usually expire on their own after a couple of weeks, unless you continue trolling (in which case they can be extended).


Posted 10:22 pm, 08/14/2014

be careful. if you piss jason off your arse is gone from here! lol


Posted 10:22 pm, 08/14/2014

Nobody on it and its overloaded,,,It's Junk


Posted 10:21 pm, 08/14/2014

Dale, I'm not sure that I understand you. Can you please be more specific about the problem you're having?

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 10:15 pm, 08/14/2014

Well, since we have gathered together, I am having some odd things being "flagged". I can't understand what is wrong.


Posted 10:15 pm, 08/14/2014

Why do you Delete something before its fixed
To make everyone think your site is perfect with no problems...or is is you just don't know how to fix it.

Here's what i get changing pages

I'm sure its not a problem on my end
you need to fix your site or hire someone that knows how to fix it

WARNING: There was an error loading this page. This often occurs when the server load is higher than normal.

Please wait at least 60 seconds before Refreshing

Your server is junk


Posted 10:13 pm, 08/14/2014

No Problems Today Either and Im using FireFox 31.0


Posted 10:10 pm, 08/14/2014

Sorry to bump yesterday's thread, but I'm hoping to hear if anyone has had any problems today?

Unfortunately for me, I haven't been able to duplicate the problem you guys were having, so the only real way I have to know whether I've fixed it is if someone tells me. Otherwise, all I can do is "assume" based on the lack of complaints


Posted 12:39 am, 08/14/2014



Posted 12:37 am, 08/14/2014

"Can you confirm whether you ever had a problem,"....yeah i had this itch earlier
i scratched it i'm ok now


Posted 12:32 am, 08/14/2014

i'm using version 31.0 ,and i've not had any problems


Posted 11:50 pm, 08/13/2014

Satan (view profile)

Posted 11:46 pm, 08/13/2014

firefox updated yesterday

Can you confirm whether you ever had a problem, and if so, whether yesterday's update fixed it?

I'm testing with Firefox 31.0, which I think is the latest update. Those of you that were having a problem earlier today (ie, dale61), can you confirm which version you're using?


Posted 11:50 pm, 08/13/2014

Satan (view profile)

firefox updated yesterday

What version are you Running ???


Posted 11:48 pm, 08/13/2014

I removed a few posts that were off topic and/or trolling.


Posted 11:46 pm, 08/13/2014

firefox updated yesterday


Posted 11:39 pm, 08/13/2014

Glitter, since that happened a few days ago, and it corresponded with the time that Firefox was having an issue, I'm tempted to think that the two are related. Hopefully, the patch I did this morning will have fixed it, so if you see something like that again (or anything weird at all) then please let me know.

As for being logged out, though, that's a little different. A browser issue wouldn't have caused that, and the only reason I can think for it to have happened is if the browser deleted the cookie for some reason. I can't think of any reason for it to do that, though, so... fluke?

I'll have to think about that one a little.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 11:38 pm, 08/13/2014

It showed "Processing", then hung.


Posted 11:36 pm, 08/13/2014

This is hooters man! Who needs a menu? ehhe


Posted 11:34 pm, 08/13/2014

"Site has server problems"...she better not expect a tip,i'm still waiting for a menu

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