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Enable / Disable Macros alert in Open Office


Posted 4:59 pm, 02/12/2011

I tried that (Alt+F11 is the same as Tools > Macros > Macro organizer > OpenOffice.org Basic), and I can delete them, but then when I reopen the spreadsheet, they're back again!

Fix it Bill

Posted 11:09 am, 02/12/2011

Tools > Macros > Macro organizer > OpenOffice.org Basic

You will see the name of your document listed on the left.

If there is a +-sign in front of it, click it to open the modules.
If there are more +-signs then below the module Standard, click them also.

The macro's will be listed also, if you click on the names in blue that you see.

Now it is possible to remove the macro.

(this is just one way to delete the macros you don't want)

instructions will allow you to delete subroutines and functions. If you want/need to delete modules do:
Tools > Macros > Macro organizer > OpenOffice.org Basic > Organizer button and work the same way on the Modules tab.


Posted 10:20 pm, 02/11/2011

Melissa and I share a spreadsheet regularly. She uses Excel, while I use OpenOffice.

When I open it on my end, I get a warning about macros, and have to select whether to enable or disable macros. She doesn't get a warning like that.

When I press Alt+F11, I have 2 sections for Macros: "My Macros", and one that's the filename of the spreadsheet.

Under "My Macros", there's "Standard", then "Module1". When I click on "Module1", there's nothing listed for it.

Under the one that's the filename of the spreadsheet, I have "Standard", then 2 are listed: "Sheet9", and "ThisWorkbook". No sheets with either of these names actually exist in this spreadsheet, and when I click on either class, there's a module of the same name listed (eg, "Sheet9" has a module named "Sheet9").

Under either module, I have empty code, something like:

Rem Attribute VBA_ModuleType=VBADocumentModule
Sub ThisWorkbook
End Sub

I've tried deleting these modules, but when I close and reopen, they're back! I clicked on "Organizer" and tried to delete the module class, but then saved, closed, reopened... and they're back again!

So, what's the magic trick to get these macros deleted?

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