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Email Hacked


Posted 10:02 pm, 03/23/2010

Thanks, but I did that already did that. I filled out a stolen account report with MSN and haven't heard anything back yet. I also contacted the FBI and they referred me to a scam reporting site that they created. I hope they can catch that rascal.


Posted 11:14 am, 03/23/2010

If you are using a web provider like Yahoo, MSN, or Google I suggest searching their site for a phone number for some kind of Tech or Customer support and explain the situation so they can shut down your email or at least change the password for you.


Posted 8:09 am, 03/23/2010

Has anyone here had their email hacked? I did yesterday and I cannot access my email or the secret answers to retrieve my password.

Whoever hacked my sent an email to all my contacts saying I was stranded in London because I was mugged and all my money and credit cards were stolen. He was saying the hotel would not let me (him) leave until the debt was settled.

Some of my contacts responded to the email and the ones who did, he gave routing information to wire money in the amount of $1170 through western union.

I have done everything I know to do to get my account back, and have even contacted authorities to no avail.

It looks to me like this guy could be caught easily with the routing information, and he even gave a name (other than myself) for the reciever of the money, however I am clueless on what to do.

Anyone here have any suggestions?

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